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jungim looked at all of them, before pulling out a chair and sitting down. he opens up his laptop, documents flooding the screen as he does so. hoseok sits back down, a bit nervous. he feels like everyones eyes are on them. he stands up, pulling jungim up with him by the wrist, closing his computer before tucking it into jungims hands. "were leaving." hoseok says, "too crowded here, were going to our van." he begins to drag him out by the wrist, namjoon and seokjin quickly following. people stare at him as he pulls the other out of the restaurant, but he ignores their gazes. he quickly spots seokjins van and unlocks it, pushing jungim into the back seat before quickly joining him. seokjin and namjoon quickly follow, closing and locking the doors. hoseok sheds his mask, taking his beanie off and throws his coat off. hes nervously sweating, the stress from the entire situation getting to him.

seokjin reaches at his knee, grounding hoseok a little, before he sheds his own mask. jungims eyes dart between all of them, before reopening his laptop, laughing to himself slightly. "is he ok?" he asked, looking up from his laptop, meeting hoseoks gaze.

"yoongi?" he asked, eyebrows quirked.

"yeah, hows he handling it?"

namjoon laughed, looking at him, then to his laptop. tons of documents, reports, and classified information flooded the screen, all on yoongi. "he doesnt know. its staying that way."

jungim nodded, turning his laptop towards namjoon so he could see better. "good." he smiled sadly, "he was making so much progress."

seokjin softened at that, smiling in return. "yeah, hes actually happy now."

jungim looked up at that, hope filling his eyes, "he is?"

namjoon nodded, "but thats not why were here." he said, scrolling through the documents on his laptop. "we know yoongi trusts you for whatever fucking reason, so youre the only person we trust to help end this."

hoseok nodded, leaning over the seat to see what the documents shared. he hummed, before leaning over to the trunk and grabbing namjoons laptop along with-

"is that hyunwas laptop?" jungim asked in shock, gaping at the computer case.

hoseoks eyes widened, "you know her?" he asked, pulling the computer closer to his chest.

jungim nodded, "i worked with her," he whispered. eyes darting between the computer and hoseok. "she was obsessed with him-"

"we know." namjoon spat, not looking up from the documents. his lips curled into a frown as he spoke. "i know more about her disgusting obsession that you ever will." jungim barely noticed as his eyes got watery, namjoon muttering something to himself, when seokjin rested his hand on his shoulder, going to his ear and whispering something, calming the other down instantly. he finally looked up from his screen, taking a deep breath. "were not here to talk about her, only her work." namjoon said, shuttering at his own words. "all of the records about yoongis previous facility before he died is public, is there any chance her work will be?"

jungim shook his head, reaching over to grab his computer. he watched as namjoon pulled out a few cables, quickly attaching his and jungims computers to each other. jungim watched in awe as namjoon typed in codes, watching as his data transferred over to namjoons computer. "she never published her work. she wanted to be with him forever." he said, looking back over to her laptop. "as long as no one doxxes this computer," he said, pointing over to hoseok, who was gripping the computer for dear life, "no one will know about what happened there."

namjoons breath was shaky, nodding at his words, "thank fuck," he whispered, looking over to hoseok in relief. "ok, good." namjoon waited for jungim to open his laptop back up, before continuing, "introductions?"

adapting (sequel to MAKE IT STOP)Where stories live. Discover now