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seokjin was exhausted. he ended up locking himself up in his lab, filled with guilt from his interaction with yoongi. he fully submerged himself in just making the drugs for when they went to america, which in theory should be soon.

hed been keeping up with the news, watching the death count rise of the various news reporters. twitter was freaking out, immediately making the connection to the deaths of the reporters being the ones who talked about yoongi and hoseok. the internet was in shambles; half supporting bangtan with their whole hearts, the other persistent that they should be arrested or even killed.

every now and then, hed leave his lab, only to be met with jimin or the kids running around the house excitedly. he couldnt ignore them, instantly melting when he saw any of them. it was one of those moments now.

hed figured out the correct dose on the drugs where it would be strong enough to knock them out in less than a minute without being strong enough to kill them. he still needed to test it, which he wasnt looking forward to, but he was more than certain it would be fine. he made another drug to counter the effects of the tranquilizer, just in case. it shouldnt kill him, but, he needed to be sure.

he left his lab to find namjoon, but was instead met with yeobum and beomseok standing at his door, looking up to him excitedly. seokjin smiled, kneeling down to the ground to their level.

"my babies," he cooed, pulling them into his chest.

yeobum had grown into himself very well. his brown fur was relatively short on his body, covering his upper arms and back with the smooth fur. his brown and black striped tail stood up proudly whenever he ran around the house. as he grew, his features became more defined; his brown eyes were big and looked like yoongis, filled with happiness almost all the time. he had jimins button nose, and his lips were thin and pink. he sneezed onto seokjins face, making him pull away slightly to wipe off the spit. he remembered yoongi mentioning he was sick.

beomseok grew into himself well too. his one orange ear and other black ear were huge. yeobum grew into his ears, but beomseoks grew with him. his black tail was thin and long, curling around his leg, stomach, or arms more often than not. he had large, doe shaped eyes that reminded seokjin a lot of jungkooks eyes. he had a soft, round nose and plump lips that looked like jimins.

they both wiggled excitedly in his hold, their soft ears tickling his chin. seokjin laughed, instantly relaxing from his previous stress. he looked back to his door, deciding to take the two of them into his lab. yeobum was sick, which meant that beomseok and luci would follow soon after.

he opened his door, watching as the two of them scurried in, and began looking through all the cabinets curiously.

seokjin was a careful person. when they moved to busan while jimin was pregnant, he made sure to babyproof his entire lab while they unpacked. he had no concerns about the two of them being able to break through his defenses, so he let them wander around his lab and look through the cabinets.

he quickly put away the drugs he was working on, setting them in a cabinet far above their reach, before going down to the ground and opening another drawer. the two ran over next to him, looking excitedly at what he was doing as he pulled out a box filled with medicines and vaccines.

seokjin was in charge of bangtans wellbeing and he made sure they were always at the top of their health. when he had nothing else to do, he would break into other pharmacies in the middle of the night to update all of his medications, drugs, and equipment. he had nearly everything he needed to either make his own drugs, or had the drugs premade and on hand.

he pulled out a couple cotton swabs and petri dishes before turning over to yeobum. "say ah, yeo," seokjin opened his mouth, yeobum following his lead, when seokjin quickly swabbed the inside of his cheek, making sure not to get the cotton swab stuck on his spikey tongue. yeobum pulled away unhappily at the texture as seokjin laughed, ruffling his black hair fondly. he wiped the cotton swab against the petri dish, then set it down in one of his machines, quickly running it. he lifted yeobum up to the counter so he could watch the machine whir and work.

adapting (sequel to MAKE IT STOP)Where stories live. Discover now