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seokjin had his moments where he let his emotions get the better of him. he was usually able to look at important things with reason and not rush into making a decision. but there were times when he couldnt control his emotions and acted hot-headedly.

it was one of those moments as namjoon dragged him away from the coffee shop, while seokjin was glaring down the old couple through the window, where he was more than willing to blow their cover if it meant yoongis parents would be dead. yet namjoons words struck a cord of reason in his head, allowing him to be pulled away from the shop.

namjoon dragged him by his hand back down the blocks to their old house. "well wait to see what lucifer says, ok?" namjoon said, rubbing his back. "im upset too, jinnie."

seokjins eyes were forced shut in anger, allowing namjoon to lead them back to their home. "were the monsters, huh? are they that fucking dense?" seokjin finally opened his eyes to look into namjoons. he hated the mask, he just wanted to see namjoons face.

namjoon let out a small laugh, "old people are pretty dense, sometimes."

seokjin looked forward, seeing their old house. he grabbed his keys from his pocket, grabbing the one to the front door. "when we get old and wrinkly, never let me become that delusion, joon." he quickly unlocked the door and jumped over the back of the couch, laying down and throwing his head back. "im too beautiful."

namjoon tossed his mask to the side and fell on to seokjins stomach. "youre so right." he relaxed into seokjins hold, taking off the mask. "the guys should be in tokyo in a few hours, we should finish the list up." he leaned in, placing a kiss on seokjins plump lips, smiling as seokjin grinned into the kiss.

"you finish finding the doxxers then." seokjin said, placing a kiss back onto namjoons dimple. "then we can have the night to ourselves."

namjoon smiled at that, "that'd be nice."

seokjin grinned, playfully tilting his head to the side. namjoon took his chance, placing a kiss under seokjins ear. "only if we finish." the older pulled away, pushing namjoon off his chest. he stood to his feet, heading to the basement. "we need them to be ready for when they ask lucifer."

seokjin grabbed the key to the compartment, quickly undoing the lock and taking their things out. as they passed yoongis old room, namjoon looked inside, seeing the broken windows and blood on the floor. it was truly like they never left. he threw the thought to the side, before going back to their old room. they made quick work of setting up in their old bedroom.

they both pulled out their laptops, and got back to work. seokjin was internally grateful he only had to type in country names. he kept looking over to namjoon, who was typing in tons of different codes, all of them leading nowhere. he kept letting out annoyed grunts, before closing his laptop for a moment, then reopening it to try a different code.

"try something new, joon. youre getting nowhere." seokjin pulled namjoon closer into his side, the younger staring at his broken code once again.

"like?" namjoon looked away from his laptop and over to seokjins.

"i dont know," he responded, closing his own laptop. they both sat there for a minute, when seokjin glanced back at his list. he wondered...

he opened a new tab and typed in 'min yoongi' then scrolled down the pages until he got to the first news channel. the one they both watched together in their bed. the one that first released yoongis past. he clicked on the news channels biography, then scrolled through the website. "what if you hacked in this? they were sent the information originally, maybe theres something you could do with that." seokjin said, grabbing namjoons laptop and opening it. "try it, joon."

adapting (sequel to MAKE IT STOP)Where stories live. Discover now