Mine 3

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Beam chuckles slowly as he saw all the engeneering wolfs rubbing their head tightly. He knows now of the habit of them to drink in the middle of the week in the club that Tul owns. It's their weekly thing, even though the hangover is like a bitch to them.

Beam sat besides Forth, gently rubbing his head. Forth smiles softly, relaxing. "Oh, Lam be my boyfriend."

All of them widen their eyes as they stare at Park, who is whining at Lam. Even Lam had his eyes widen, staring at him and slightly blushing. "What?"

"Yes, so that someone will massage my forehead too" Everyone rolls their eyes at the drama queen. Lam mumbles. "Fucker"

Park tilt his head. "What? I wasn't joking"

Lam sighs. "Shut up Park, am not in the mood for your pranks" Park chuckles, cupping Lam's face slowly. "Why would you think that am joking? I'm not"

Lam stare at Park. "Park, please?"

"You think I won't notice how you stare at me while am asleep. How you took extra care of me, or how you always has this, loveful eyes towards me"

Lam bite his lips, his eyes filling with tears. Park smiles softly, gently wiping off the tears. "Shh baby, I'm serious. Be my lover"

Lam chuckled with tears rolling down his face. He hugged Park not at all believing that he got his love which he thought was one sided all alone.

Beam and Forth look at each other surprised, giggling as they started hooting. Soon whole cafeteria is filled with wishes and teasing.

In midst of that, Beam lean forward to Forth and whisper. "If I ever had a boyfriend, should I confess publically or private"

Forth look at him, "private, some people like it private" Beam chuckles softly. Forth lay his head on him, seeing the newest couple still in their own world.


"Oh hey sunshine"

Forth raise his eyebrow, sitting besides him. "Why sunshine tho?"

"Your smile resembles that of a sun"

Forth chuckles shaking his head. "Smile more, Forth. I really like your smile." Forth and Beam stare at each other. The surrounding suddenly turned hot. The underlying tension started to reface. Beam lean forward, their lips inches apart.

"Walk away if you don't want Forth. But if you won't, stay with me always" With that Beam kissed him. Forth stay still for some times, and then started kissing him back. Beam smiles in between the kiss.

He keeps his hands on the others neck, pulling him closer. Forth's big cold hand goes inside of his shirt. Beam groans. Forth teasingly rub his skin. Beam tug his hair a little making Forth hiss. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside teasingly playing with his tongue. Forth groans, shoving his chest. Beam stops. Forth pants heavily.

Beam chuckles. "Look like you never kissed anyone before"

"Shut up Beam" Forth hissed. Beam laughs, pecking his lips again and again until they restart kissing again.

After sometimes Forth started to play with Beam's hand. "Beam?"

"Yes sunshine" Forth tried not to blush because he still feels giddy whenever he hears that endearment. "It's my birthday this weekend. Papa is planning a birthday so I hope you come" Beam chuckles, ruffling his hair with his free hand. "Of course. What do you want for your birthday?"

"Snow" Forth's eyes sparkled. Beam frowns. "Snow? You know it's Thailand sunshine. We don't have snow here." Forth pouted. "I know. But I really wanted one. Let's go to a snow places in our summer vacation"

Beam smiled. "Sure. Anything for my sunshine." Forth narrow his eyes and smack his head. But Beam have something on his mind though.

Beam was greeted and hugged by Forth's patents and siblings and he feels so welcomed especially when he feels a motherly affection from Gun. Beam whose mother had died a long ago feels so emotional feeling the same warmth that he had forgotten. Boron watches with a smile as Off patted his back.


"He... He never says. But he miss his mother. I'm sure he must be enjoying Nong Gun's affection"

Off chuckles. "He deserves that. Gun can fall in love with anyone who saves and protect his family. Beam saved two"

Boron chuckles along. "He did"

"Well Bor, you did a good job in raising him. He is a good kid"

Boron scoffs. "You should see his anger issues Off. He can explode at any movement but strangely he is calm when he is with Forth. And that remains me of someone" He eyed Off who smiled cheekily.

"Happy birthday Sunshine" Beam  beamed widely. Forth shows his gummy smile too making Beam pull his cheeks. "Thanks Beamie" He put aside the gift that Beam had given him. He pulled him towards his friends table where Phana amd Kit is also there.

As they were sitting and just enjoying after the dinner, Forth suddenly look up when a white form started to fall. He watch in awe as he stretched his arms and feels the white snow like falling in his fingers.

He stood up and feels the snow on his skin. Other look at it in disbelief. "Is this snow?"

Lam shook his head. "Snow? That too in Thailand. Are you kidding me?"

Boron look at the sky. "What is happening?" Off sighs, looking at Forth. "It's just your son being whipped"

"Huh?" Off motioned him to look at Beam who is grinning lovely towards Forth who is enjoying himself in fake snow.

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