tears sweat and family?

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Your eyes open to two huge purple ones staring at you. And you jump back hitting a wall. "So your from kindergarten too?" The owner of the eyes says suddenly. "Y-yes." You say taking a long look at the figure while rubbing the back of your head "I'm amethyst. Your names (f/n), right?" Amethyst says cocking her head to the side. "Yes. You said you were from kindergarten as well?" You ask looking around the room. You notice that your still on the bed when you hear a door open. You glance that way and see the boy, Steven walking in while eating what looked like fry bits. Amethyst turned to look at him "hey Steven what up?" He just blinked then turned to me "hey (f/n) are you feeling better?" "Yeah" you reply looking at him. He walks up the steps and sits beside you as amethyst gets up and leaves going into the kitchen and rummaging around in the fridge. "So do you live in kindergarten? We thought it was abandoned." Steven suddenly says. You stay quiet when he starts talking again. "Well. You can stay here for a while if you want to. You already know amethyst." He points at her with his thumb. "And there's two more gems living here pearl and garnet. There's a few more gems living on earth too that were looking for." The portal shines and the two gems from yesterday step out. "Steven, amathyst come on we have word from another team of gems that a home world ship is on its way." The skinny one with short white hair says as amathyst stuffs a sandwich in her mouth and walks over talking with her mouth full "wurry up sweven" "coming guys!" Steven yells. "I'll be back soon I promise." He gets up and runs to the portal waiving as they beam away and your alone. You let out a breath and get up and walk till you find a mirror. You move so you can see your gem. It's cracking slightly when you notice a figure standing behind you. "Hello." The calm almost beautiful voice hums and you turn to look at the figure she has orange skin with hip long silver hair and glittering orange eyes with silver specks in them to match the gem in her chest. She's dressed in a strapless black dress that has silver and orange stars running up the side. And she smiles at you leaning in the door way. "Hello (f/n). My name is Cassandra Spessartite. And I have a story to tell you. If you will listen that is." She turns and walks into the front room standing on the green portal holding her hand out to you. "Stay here. Or come meet your family." She hums and you feel yourself drawn to her you walk up and take her hand getting on. you glance around the room one last time as the green light shines around you and Cassandra Spessartite and she smiles at you. "You made the right choice. Our family is almost back together."
Hehe cliffhanger! Extra update for my awesome readers! :) what's going to happen next? Who is Cassandra Spessartite? You'll see soon enough!

Steven Universe X Gem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now