Blood and gold.

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Ok. So I have discovered a problem. I started writing this story before peridot turned good and such. So I'm afraid that I'll have to branch off my story as an alternate universe. If you Arnt okay with that then I'm sorry because I have no other way to continue. But now that it's summer again for me I'm going to try to update often again.


The young (g/c) gem is woken up harshly by an electric shock her eyes going past the yellowish green electric cage looking up at what looks like a pearl gem with yellow hair matching the humongous woman behind her proudly showing off her golden diamond as the woman smiled down at her slave and the (g/c) gem as she chuckles in a monotone voice. "You look just like your gem donor." She looks down at the pearl. "What are they called on earth?". "A mother I do believe my diamond." The pearl answered giving the (g/c) gem a smug smirk the caged gem growling softly "I'm a earth made gem. I don't have a mother." The large diamond laughed in a twisted way looking down at the (g/c) gem "how exactly do you think we made you defects" She hissed as the towering gem and the pearl turns to leave the pearl handing the diamond a small (g/c) gem shard in a sample bottle the trapped gem scooting back against the wall of the cell bringing her knees tightly to her chest as she hides her face softly mumbling a name. "Steven..."

Stevens POV
Searching around My eyes widen as I grip my chest faintly hearing (y/n) calling my name as I look around my vision blurring before hearing a different voice replace (y/n)'s and my vision clearing to see a very concerned diamond with her hands on my shoulders. "Steven. You heard her too?" She asks quietly as my eyes widen a distant cries of a hurt dog ringing in the distance causing me and diamond to share a look before bolting towards the sound. Climbing over a small hill I gasp quietly the field dipping into a grassy crater with fifty scattered escape pods and a mangled and destroyed hand shaped ship stained bronze from age with wild flowers and vines draped across it. I glance over at diamond who had a dark look in her eyes as she started towards them letting out a sigh. "Steven... These were.. These were the first ships that landed on earth. It was.. A dark day for humanity to say the least. Many humans died. But-" she's suddenly cut off by a blast as peridot soars out of the large ship a faintly familiar laugh erupting as a large orange woman with a long white mane of hair appears through the dust. Diamond gasped and my eyes widened as it hit me why this figure was so familiar.. It was a gem I hadn't seen since I was a kid. "J-jasper?" I whispered in shock as her eyes shifted towards me quickly with piercing crazed look.
Golds POV (it's been a while but she was introduced about two chapters ago.)
I sit quietly in my bunker staring down at the holographic image in my hands of a younger me with a large armored foot kicking another young gem with a light orange skin with stripes and a crash helmet our eyes matching the intense stare. I smile softly chucking remembering the damage that was afflicted between us just because we wanted to prove who would better lead. "Jasp.. You better still be alive on this wretched planet. Or else I'll have to kill you again myself." The door opened as a shadowed figure gestured me forward. I sat up and dropped the holograph onto my bed cracking my neck in anticipation. "Time to head out to war."

Steven Universe X Gem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora