A very jealous ex. And a very large crush part 2!

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Im doing things! Yay school started Thursday (geeez I'm old) shout out to DiamondGirl9999 for guessing that i play tuba! (Pic above is me with my sousaphone for marching band) anywho! Back to the story!
your pov.
You look up at the night sky and your eyes widen in fear at a giant green hand pointing right at you and you stand on shaky legs as a body sized green ball comes out of the tip of the index finger and rolls to you. Before you can blink it opened up to a chair with chains allover it. Four chains suddenly shout out and gripped your wrists and ankles yanking you into the seat as the ball closes and returns into the ship rolling until it suddenly stops and opens. Squinting against the light you see a very large olive skinned woman with sharp pointed yellow hair and short bangs that hid her forehead but not her cruel piercing eyes in a golden jumpsuit with a black star belt around the hip. "Hello darling." She said with a slight accent that sounded British "have you lost your way little lamb? My name is gold." She puts her hand out and you hesitantly take it your smooth (s/c) hand meeting her yellow sandpaper like one. She gripped your hand tightly a devious look on her face as an electric pain goes through you and you poof into your gem.

Stevens pov.
I watched through my own eyes like a movie screen as the gems fought a monster in a jungle pearl yelling at me to get back to the portal as my body bods and runs to the portal flashing back to the temple as "i" step off and walk to the couch where fluffy was asleep as my hands grabbed it up as it cried out trying to escape the hard grasp as i walked back to the portal and transported to another location that i didn't recognize. Everything was a bright green with a large screen and peridot typing and swiping away on it. My body walked to it and held fluffy out in his firm grasp. Peridot took the creature and held it by the scruff of its neck as she quickly placed it in a small glass container where it cried for help like a puppy crying for its mom. Peridot Pressed some buttons on the control panel as a olive toned woman appeared on the screen with bright yellow hair that looked like she stuck a fork in a light socket. "Do you have it?" She asked peridot calmly with a British accent and peridot nodded and held up the container "do you?" Peridot asked the woman who tossed a (g/c) gem into the air catching it in her hand again. "Lets meet where we discussed and we will talk. And don't bring that." She said in disgust pointing at me "its bad enough the captain of the elite gem military left on this measly ship. I don't need to be near that hideous display." She said as another gem came to mind. "Go now." She said simply before peridot turned to me and pointed to the portal. "Your crying." She stated as my body wiped my cheeks and walked to the portal sending me back to the temple. About a minute later the gems showed up and "i" faking looking around franticly to find fluffy. "Garnet cant you use future vision?" My body asked and she shook her head clenching her fists. "No. All i can see is a fuzzy blur. Its..frustrating.". I felt my body smirk before hiding it "where could fuzzy have gone?" "I" asked when garnet suddenly stood "i don't know steven. But i have a feeling somehow peridot is behind it. Pearl! Amathyst! Come on! Garnet walked to the portal and waited for amethyst to get on as they disappeared into the light.

Gems pov.
The gems leave Steven and arrive at the wreckage of Cassandra's temple. "Garnet why are we here?" Pearl asks looking around nervously "that gem beast my still be here." "Pearl, amathyst. Something is controlling Steven. I don't know what or who it is. But i know the real Steven would have never messed up a name he made. He called fluffy by the name of fuzzy. I think it might be peridot. We just need to be care-" a loud hissing was heard and we turned to see the creature come into light and attack amethyst as it locks its jaw onto her body and smashes her amethysts now in gem form falling from the beasts mouth at it ran after pearl. Pearl dodged and rolled away from it as garnet rushed over and grabbed amethyst forming her gauntlets as she ran to help pearl the beast slamming its leg into garnet and slamming her into the wall pearl jumping and summoning her spear to stab it as the beast clamps its jaws down on pearl squeezing until she poofed into her gem then throwing it at garnet who caught it breathing heavily as she threw a piece of the broken temple hitting the beast in the face as she runs to the portal holding pearl and amethyst in each hand as the beasts tongue wrapped around garnets ankle and slamming her into the ground repeatedly. And with one last thud and a poof four gems. An amethyst, a pearl, a sapphire and a ruby landed on the soft dirt as the beast let out a wild roar and retreated to its cave.
Third person pov.
Cassandra silver, diamond, onyx and there new two companions arrive via portal to the crystal gems temple. "Steven? (Y/n)? Pearl?" Silver calls out drawing her bow as diamond draws her knifes and onyx her sword. As the new gems take a step off "topaz emerald, be careful." Diamond says as she stalks off the portal slowly glancing around. Emerald walks to the wall and switches on the light as the room is illuminated. Emerald stands in a green dress looking shirt and dark green skinny jeans to compliment her soft lime green skin as shoulder length dark green hair looking over at her orange twin topaz her hand on her hip and her gem on her right wrist opposed to her twins gem thats on her left wrist. (I didn't get a very good description so I'm making emerald and topaz twins. Its just easier on me but that may change in the future.) silver glances between the two and shakes her head holding her temples as she paces back and forth "something is very very wrong." Cassandra's skin shines brightly as it fades Cassandra Spesserite is standing there calmly and looks up smiling at emerald and topaz "long time no see my friends." Suddenly the door slams as Steven steps in with an evil smirk his normally soft chocolate eyes now an electric green as Spesserite draws her bow pointing it at him. "Who are you and why have you taken over Stevens body!" He just smiles and chuckles darkly "my name is peridot you clods. Now why are a bunch of low life's and failed test tube gems doing here?" "Everyone get close to me. Don't hurt Steven but defend yourself if necessary." Spesserite says as the rest of the gems move close to her Steven balling his fist as he runs at the group his fist swinging at cassandra spesserite.

Hey guys long time no see. Between band and school an idea formed. So get ready for quite a few heart crushing moments because they are coming <3 this is nowhere near how long i planned for this chapter to be but meh i cant add anything more to this for now. Alright! More soon i promise.

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