The enemy of my enemy is....still my enemy?

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You glance around the living room of Stevens house. It has been two weeks since the gems came and found you and Cassandra has still not revived. You glance over at diamond who was meditating on the couch with Cassandra's gem on a pillow beside her. You let out a breath as the crystal gems, Steven and onyx come in through the portal and as soon as they step off Cassandra's gem glows and turns into silver. As soon as silver reappeared she started coughing and holding her gem as she fell to the floor looking pale and sick. Diamond quickly helps her back onto the white couch as Steven runs over pulling her hand away from her gem the rest of us moving to watch.her orange and silver gem has a large crack across it Steven licks his hand and heals her gem and once she has calmed down she looks at diamond with serious eyes "I need to leave this place. Onyx, (y/n), diamond you can do as you wish from now on. But i have to get Spesserite to our old lab." She stands and gets to the portal and is gone by the time anyone could stop her. Onyx and diamond share a glance then both stand. "We both swore to be with her when the next war comes. So we wish you all well." Glitz says then looks up at you. "We will come back soon. (Y-n) take care and keep up your training you still owe me a duel." She smiles warmly at you as they get on the portal then there gone.
-time skip to night time brought to you by me in my 5am daze xD -

Stevens pov.
I sat on my bed holding a magazine up as I watched (y/n) pace around the room nervously. "Hey are you okay?" I asked putting the magazine down. She just nods and sits on the couch tapping her fingers on her leg. I get up and walk down the steps from my bedroom loft to the living room and sit next to her gently setting my hand on her shoulder but she jumps tensing up before realizing its only me and she relaxes. "Steven. Something just doesn't feel right. I feel like I'm being watched.." She glances around and lets out a shaky breath as she lays her head on my shoulder and i feel my face heat up but i don't move her. Suddenly i see a glimmer of red in the darkness of the room and i squint to see but it was gone. Was that?..
??? Pov.
I just need to wait... Soon i will have my revenge on that adorable traitor.. Starting with that gem. (Y/n) was it? I wonder if she can swim. Guess we will see soon enough. This should be fun.

IM SO SORRY IT HAS TAKEN SO LONG AND HOW SHORT IT IS I HAVE BEEN TYPING THIS SINCE 1:00am and now its 5:40 am and yawn though! So yeah OH btw if anyone wants to submit pictures i could really use cover pics! At this point I'm just googling XD also i own cassandra, this storyline and nothing else! Okay guys. Ill see you later! Bye!

Steven Universe X Gem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang