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WARNING. Violence ahead. This is you're only warning. ((Oh and every oc. I apologize to the two Aquamarine gems who said they were twins I made you guys literal twins. And those with the same gem take emerald for example I used "emerald alpha" the alpha is just to categorize. If anyone isn't okay with how I did it comment on this chapter and I will try my best to edit it to your own liking. Enjoy.

Third person POV
Gold captain of the elite gem force steps infront of many colorful but identical jumpsuits. Yellow diamond sitting at her throne looking at the solders with a blank face. As gold nods to them. "Solders. Are you ready for a battle that may very well cost you you're lives." The gems all shout in sync that they understand. "Sound off then. You know the drill."
The colorful array of soldiers stood at attention saluting as one with a slightly multicolored gem steps up and salutes to gold "Aqua Kunzite second in command my diamond and my general.
Gold nods approvingly as Kunzite steps beside her holding a list of gem names as she calls them off one by one each gem taking a step forward and bowing down to one knee as they are called.
"Emerald alpha
Emerald omega
Emerald beta
Obsidian alpha
Obsidian beta.
Aqua marine
Marine Aqua.
Red beryl
Moon stone
Diamond shine
Kunzite kneels and gold turns to yellow diamond bowing down the soldiers still as statues as yellow diamond nods and her pearl scoffs slightly. "Gold. Or should I call you by you're true name. The deceiver?" Gold stares at the sparkling green floor with a grimace. "Whichever you prefer my diamond."
"Deceiver it is then. Your gems better be prepared for battle because if you lose this who ever survives will personally be crushed my me do I make myself clear?" "Yes my diamond." All voices shouted in sync.

((Still Third person but with Steven and diamond.))
Jasper stretched out laughing crazily as Steven, peridot and diamond stared at her. "Thanks perisnot. Glad to be back to my good old self again." She looked over at Steven her face slowly going neutral. "Yo um halfy. Here. Take this back." she chunked fluffy to Steven as Steven caught it quickly looking at peridot. "Peridot what did you do...and how????"
Peridot sighed softly rubbing her neck softly
Well I um. I injected certain amount of gem power into the gikkyla and using its healing abilities it allowed me to transform jasper into a gem again... I just wanted to go back to homeworld..." "Perisnot." Jasper says gaining everyone's attention again. "Thanks."

I know it is not much now. But I will be getting back into the swing of things.

Steven Universe X Gem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now