I'm sorry.

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Welp. That's everything I had. Honestly if anyone wants to, feel free to write a better ending for it. I don't mind. I started writing this fanfiction when I was fourteen? Fifteen? I don't quite remember to be honest. We were still in season one going into two. Now though, as a 21 year old who has seen poor baby Steven become a Kaiju this whole storyline seems wrong. It feels like I should have taken it into consideration. And that I should have left the OCs out. Especially whatever I had going on with Cassandra Spesserite/Cassandra Silver. I mean, that's a tragic romance. Always together but never able to touch or see eachother? Yikes. All in all it was a good idea as a child but I didn't have the story planned out. It was kinda just a sit down and do this next chapter. Though I have learned my lesson. Currently I don't have any X readers in the works but I do have some OC inserts happening. I have the Harry Potter series, MHA/BNHA x2 technically. I also have two Voltron X OC X Steven universe crossovers. And my final work in progress is an old one. It's an undertale OC insert. If you guys want I post a small part of one of these stories. But I can't promise they will be uploaded soon. If enough people want it I suppose I can post one chapter of one of these stories. It's up to you guys. Once again though, I'm sorry for dissappointing everyone with the lackluster ending. Thank you for sticking by me in the whole nonsensical story. You guys are amazing. Be sure to love yourselves and have a wonderful rest of your day/evening. 

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