The sea of flames and stone

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You and Cassandra Spessartite step off of the portal into a large hallway with a floor of flames. With every step it ripples like water and it doesn't burn. You reached your hand down and run your fingers across the smooth cold surface. "Isn't it strange." Cssandra hums as she walks further into the huge hall multicolored torches ignite as she passes. You follow her into a bright room with orange, white and black bubbles floating around that has fused gem shards inside and Cassandra looks up at them sadly. "You see what that world has done to us?" A bubble floats down and she gently pushes it back up as she walks to a circle of thrones. There are eleven in total and all of them are grey except three. Cassandra sits in one thats color is identical to her gem and to the left of her is a white throne that glitters different colors in the light and across from Cassandra is a black throne. "The grey thrones are empty. Choose the throne that speaks to you (Y/n)." You walk around the room to the throne beside Cassandra as you reach to touch it veins of color crawl up it as it slowly changes to the same color as your gem. You stair at it then gently touch it your gem glowing. "Sit. We have a lot to talk about." Cassandra says and you cautiously sit. Even though your sitting on stone it feels like your sitting on a seat of clouds. You look at Cassandra to continue. "You see. Many years ago this planet was attacked by another planet for its resources. The aliens were gems. The ones who created us. But a few gems saw the beauty of this planet. And fought for it. But I am getting ahead of myself. First they discovered that this planet has stones that could create gems. So they experimented on the earth gems to no avail. A small team of gem scientists worked on other things with this planet. They took an earth gem and fused it with a homeworld gem and created a new spieces. There were five living fusions but slowly. They started to shatter. Till there was only one. Though she was stable the gem's fought for dominance. Till one day a war raged. Everyone was shattered except her. A very beautiful gem came and reasoned with the fused gem till they came to an understanding and became one. The woman's name was rose quartz. And the fusion was me. Rose refused my help in the gem war and told me to stay back and heal all of the gems that were harmed. I healed many and two even stayed with me. But I promised her that when the war came again I would do my part as healer. One day that war will come. But until then we need to find every earth-born gem and prepare them. As for you we need to stabilize your gem. If we don't there is a large chance you will shatter. Rose's son Steven used his healing powers on you but it wasn't enough. Your gem and physical body were not fully developed. So it will take a lot more then a simple heal. Sadly I don't know how to fix your gem just yet. But these thrones were created to mend our gems till we find a cure. Lets-" a sudden explosion shook the building and she summoned a silver bow with orage arrows. "Glitz! Come quickly!" Cassandra calls as figure rushes in she has paper white skin with a bandage just below her eye her hair white and reaches her knees with black bangs she has a sleeveless shirts very similar to the gem at stevens named pearl but with her stomach visable and the fabric is plain white. Her chest has markings that look like vines and her pants are transparent (think of a genie!) And she doesn't have shoes. "I'm here milady." She says softly "(y/n) this is diamond. Diamond this is (y/n) get her out of here while I find out who is attacking." Cassandra rushes into the hallway and out of sight when diamond motions for you to follow you see a dark figure out of the corner of your eye but when you go to look there's nothing there. You notice diamond has spedwalked a distance from you so you run and catch up with her. "Will Cassandra be okay diamond?" You ask and she looks at you still moving quickly as she leads you to a maze of stone walls gripping your wrist lightly as she leads you through. "She is the strongest gem I have ever know. She will be fine and you can call me glitz." Glitz leads you through the maze to a large door and pulls your hand up to touch it as it turns into the color of your gem and opens she hurrys you inside and she starts talking. "Stay here. When you hear singing it means you can come out just hold your hand up and command it to open." The room shakes and she starts running away "I have to check on the bubbles be safe sister!" Then she's gone as the door closes and you sit in the room as it lights up to (g\c) clouds floating everywhere (think of roses room) "what do I do?" You mumble softly.

The gems and I got back to the temple to find (y/n) gone. Amathyst and I checked every corner and it felt like my heart was In my throat. What could have happened? Where is she?
I walked outside and sat on the beach looking at the water when I eventually fell asleep. (Dream world is in italics!) (Y/n) was laying in a room that looked like my mom's and I ran and hugged her. "Steven?" She said with a confused look and I nodded smiling. She smiled a beautiful smile and my heart lept in my chest I suddenly grabbed her and did what I wanted to do since the day I looked into her eyes. I kissed her and she just staired at me. Unlike my other dreams of her she didn't kiss back and I felt my face heat up. "T-this isn't a dream i-is it." (Y/n) shook her head her face a deeper shade of (g/c) and I quickly let go steeping back. "I'm s-so sorry I mean I k-kissed you. I'm sorry!" She just staired at me suddenly everything went black. I woke up to garnet carrying me back to the timple and I looked up at her and yawned "I saw (y/n)" I said looking up at her. "I know." She responded "well search for her tomorrow. For now you just need to rest. She took me inside and put me down infront of the stairs. I walked up and flopped on my bed. "Night garnet." I said sleepily. "Night" she responded going into her room. "Tomorrow were going to look for her.." Steven said smiling in his sleep.

Ugh my readers 1204 words. But it was worth it! I'm giving up on setting dates for updates so I'll update when I finish chapters. So! I have a game for you guys! If you want to ask Cassandra Spessartite (my oc) anything put it in the comments and (y/n) will ask her! Yay I hope you guys like it! Diamond belongs to the wonderful Homestucktheunicorn ! See you all soon! I own Cassandra Spessartite and this story nothing else!

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