The end of the line part two.

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Your POV.
I opened my eyes slowly to see a familiar pink shirt as I slowly gazed up to see the familiar smiling face of Steven as he winked at me and I cocked my head to the side causing his face to change into a deep red color. I glanced around seeing everyone standing up quickly and seeing two very confused green and orange gems and our new silent friend smiling at the small bouncing pink pearl and a purple version of the pearl who are both running around Stevens pearl my gaze moving around seeing garnet talking to diamond who is smiling at silver. Silver looking at the orange stone with a confused look in her eye as the orange gem stares back before finally speaking. "Silverite? Your still functioning?" "Jasper. I haven't seen you since the war. Still empty in that big ol skull of yours?" Silver pops off as everything gets quiet and everyone's eyes move to the two. Something beeping on the green one who looks at her arm and widens her eyes. This jasper person looking over at her with an annoyed look. "Perisnot. What is it?" "I-I-it's y-yellow diamond! She's coming towards our location and she will not be pleased to see me.. Considering I called her a clod a few earth years ago." Jasper stared long and hard at who I assume is a peridot before feeling movement as I look back to Steven who I am still laying on as I feel color move to my face and get off of him quickly offering him a hand as he takes it and smiles charmingly at me the world seemingly disappearing except for us as he leans forward slowly his eyes closing me matching his movements a loud explosion cutting us off as he steps in front of me protectively his shield forming as I summon my weapon ready for a battle as a ship appears behind a large cloud of dust from the rough landing as the door opens and gold steps out causing me to shutter softly at her dark look as jasper suddenly starts walking towards them, gold following her movements before stopping a few feet away as jasper looks at gold seriously. "Hello pyrite." Gold scoffs a small yellow glow appearing on her skin that I assume is a blush. "My name isn't pyrite. Not anymore. I go by gold." Jasper starts laughing insanely as gold widens her eyes and stares. "It IS you! It's very nice to see you my friend! I have learned much on my time her I learned about fusion and abo-" gold cuts jasper off glaring at her softly. "So you have. You've gone weak on me jasper. I'm sorry. I'll end your torment my friend." Gold starts attacking jasper furiously  many gem warriors running out of the ship as they start battling a group of emeralds fighting garnet as gems battled eachother I see a bright flash of light as a pink woman about garnets size stands up she has four arms and green and pink hair as a childish giggle rings out and I realize it's the pearl and emerald from before as two obsidian warriors fuse and start battling the green and pink gem calling out there name in third person as they smash down a large axe trying to destroy the large obsidian warriors. "WATERMELON TOURMALINE WILL CRUSH YOU!" I focus on what's going on around me noticing silver and diamond dancing in a strange way diamond being elegant but silvers being more alone something you would see in a human metal concert as everything glowed and the fusion looking like an angel with wings made of plates of silver her skin a bright orange but glittering a rough looking orange diamond protruding from her chest as she glares at yellow diamond who just looks taken aback. "You dare to imitate a true diamond? I'll smash you to dust!" Yellow shouts attacking orange with a large staff orange using her wings as a shield before slamming her foot into yellow diamond as silvers voice rings out sounding like a bad auto tune. "Y-you claim to be a diamond y-yet you rule like a hand full of dirt." Yellow growls lowly as the two giants start battling Steven grabbing my hand and looking at me with a soft gaze. "We have to help them!" I nodded softly as I took a step back and he held out his hand for me and I grabbed it, we did a small form of a tango and I felt mine and Steven slowly becoming one. The feeling was indescribable as we opened our eyes and shouted a hey to orange diamond as we gutsily kicked yellow diamond. We felt unstoppable as we glanced at the ship seeing our reflection our skin had turned a very light almost clear pinkish purple our hair brown with (h/c) beads coming from the sides pulled up into a bun our outfit a body suit bright pink with a yellow star in the middle our eyes glittering with a mixture of our gem colors As a name suddenly resounded from our mouths "we are zoisite. And we're about to kick your gem butt right back to home world." We chuckled as we tackled diamond to the ground silver being preoccupied with a large blue four eyed gem with blue gemstones on her shoulders. We hear a loud grunt then the sound of a gem poofing as we glance towards it a yellow knee slamming into Stevens gem as we go flying barely staying fused at the sight of one of Stevens close friends being poofed making us momentarily venerable to attack...

Steven Universe X Gem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora