A very jealous ex and a very large crush. Part 1 :3

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Your POV.
The figure stepped out of the mirror an you just looked at her she had a long blue dress to accent her slightly lighter blue skin and mirror like eyes with short spiky blue hair that was a dark ocean blue. You just stared at her then blinked slowly and spoke confused "who are you?" She growled stomping her food hard the room rippling around you. "LAPIS LAZULI! YOU BOYFRIEND STEALER!" She yelled as you winced her voice echoing off the walls. "Um okay? What do you mean?" You asked very confused and slightly annoyed. Who is this gem? What did she mean by boyfriend stealer? Where am i? Why am i here? You realized she was still talking and started listening to her again. "-and then i had to deal with you and that human girl to keep you from stealing him from me." She turned away from you pacing back an forth talking fast when you noticed her gem in her back was cracked and almost shattered you felt yourself tense up and you get ready to run but you feel something tighten against your wrists, ankles and waist and you look down to see water made arms locking you into place on a chair made of water the small nails digging into your (g/c) skin leaving small crescent marks as you sigh and quietly summon your weapon using it to quietly escape (if its a blade free weapon you can use the hilt to pry your arm free if it is a blade you sliced the water arm) once you were freed one arm you did the other and started on your legs as lapis chatted with her reflection. Once you were free you walked up behind lapis. Even if you didn't know or like this gem you had to help her. If anything happened to her gem it would shatter completely and she wouldn't be able to regenerate ever again. You took a deep breath and attacked her making her poof into her gem you quickly bubbled it sending it to the temple and used your weapon to break out of the room of mirrors and into the ocean where you swam to the surface and after your head broke free from the water you spun around only to be met with nothing but ocean as far as you could see except for a very small bare island that only had three large palm trees and a small patch of grass in the middle of the trees thanks to the shade. You swam to it and climbed onto the beach glancing around. "Where am i!!" You yelled out frustrated. You let out a long sigh and walked to the grass sitting on it pulling your knees to your chest. "Someone find me.." You mumbled softly a tear falling onto your knees and rolling to the grass a small patch of grass slowly forming going unnoticed by you.
Stevens POV.
I walked to Connie's house and knocked on the door. There was no answer and everything was silent. He was starting to get worried (y/n) still was still gone this morning so the gems went to find her. Steven turned the knob to her front door slowly to a pitch black room. "C-connie?" He called an uneasy feeling settling into his stomach as he walked through her house pushing her bedroom door open slowly to an empty room he stepped in a little more confused. "Connie?" He called again the bedroom door slamming revealing a smirking peridot. "P-peridot!?" Steven yelled backing into the wall. She stands still as one of her pods laches onto his head. He feels a sharp pain then his body goes numb. Peridot walks up to him slowly grinning and he try's to defend himself but his body doesn't respond. Peridot smiles to herself triumphantly as she typed something in on her arm. Finally she opened the door and left Connie's house with my body following like a lost puppy. "Someone help me!" I cried out in my mind.

(Heres a new one xD) cassandra silvers POV.

Onyx, glitz and i made out way to the himalayas where the old gem lab was. I walked in running my fingers across a flat surface leaving line in the dust. (Spesserite and silver can speak via telepathically when spesserite is talking it has ~this~ if its silver it has _this_ okay? Okay :p) <~this place really needs to be cleaned.~ _your awake! Are you feeling okay??_ ~yes silver I'm fine *giggles*~ _what?_ ~you were worried about me.~ _hmph._> "over here!" Diamond called gesturing to a glass case containing two gems while onyx floats around the room inspecting everything. I walk to the case and nod to diamond and onyx as i lift the case the gems rising and forming two bodies. "Glad to have you two back!" I smile goofily double fist bumping them. "Now we only need two more before we can finish our plan!" Onyx hums floating to everyone speaking in an echoey ghost like voice. "Yeah! Lets head back to (y/n) and the crystal gems now so we can tell them our plan." I cheered as we walked out of the door making our way to the portal through the large mounds and drifts of snow.

Connie's POV.
I sigh uneasily as my parents drive to my aunts house three states over and i reach for my phone remembering that my mother insisted we leave our phones so we didn't ruin our family outing. Im glad i left a note for Steven two days ago when we left but i wish i had said goodbye first. I leaned my head against the window looking up into the setting sky when the radio cut out "breaking news today from beach city. Another large hand shaped ship has been spotted heading towards the crystal gems temple. Again. Th-" dad shut the radio off mumbling under his breath. "Hey! I was listening to that!" I said gripping the door. "Connie! Don't raise your voice at your father!" Your mother scolded and you fell back into the seat now extremely worried. "But steven.." I whispered looking out again.

Third person Pov.
The gems came back from searching with a small puppy like creature with six eyes and two tongues about the size of a hamster on top of garnets head the same color as (y/n)s gem with an identical gem for a nose. "Do you really think this thing is (y/n)?" Amethyst asked looking up at garnet. "maybe but i wont be sure till Steven talks to it" garnet replied plucking it off of her head and holding it so amethyst can get a better look. "Its fuzzy." Amethyst said rubbing its head. "Steven! Where are you!" Pearl calls as Steven walks in smiling "hey guys! Did you find her?" Steven asked excitedly before noticing the puppy-hamster thing "cuuuuuutttteee!" He yells rushing over and gently taking it from garnet as the hamster growls and jumps out of his hand little angel wings sprouting from its back as it flys back up to garnets head. "Awe he's shy! What is he?" Steven asked. "It is a genderless pet species from homeworld called a gikkyla (gic-he-la) they are usually a lot larger but we think this might be (y/n). Pearl replies as amethyst and garnet go to there rooms and Steven heads up to his loft. "goodnight amathyst, pearl, garnet and um fluffy!" Steven rolls over his eyes glowing green an evil smile plastered on his face as pearl walks to her room.

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