Part 3!

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3.01k readers... *dies from fantasticness* honestly i didn't expect so many people to like this!
Third person Pov.
(cassandra is in this alot so i will be saying Spesserite and silver okay? Okay.)
Steven swung his fist at Spesserite but she stood her ground and let his fist collide with her jaw and with four sickening snaps Steven screamed gripping his now broken hand the green in his eyes replaced with pain and tears. Spesserite motioned for onyx to follow as the smokey figure glided to Steven and gently took his hand black smoke moving from his hand revealing a soft grey colored arm as the smoke covers Stevens hand healing it. His hand momentarily shattered identical to his before a loud crack was heard and his hand returned to normal the smoke again returning to his arm. "Steven who was that controlling you and where is everyone?" Diamond asked walking to Steven and helping him up. "(Y/n) disappeared and i went to Connie's to talk about it but it was a trap and i was attacked by this bad gem from home world named peridot. She attacked me and did something to my brain and the gems are gone now! He sputtered as tears started welling up in his eyes Spesserite gripping his shoulders gently "you, diamond and the twins will look for (y/n) while me and onyx search for the gems. They will be alright. I promise." She said sincerely as she nodded to onyx and walked to the warp pad (a reader reminded me what it was called~) Steven sniffled and looked at diamond who nodded sincerely and he inhaled deeply and nodded putting on a brave front as Spesserite smiled and warped away as emerald and topaz bowed together "I'm emerald" emerald said with a smile. "And I'm topaz". "Steven" he says with a smile. Diamond and emerald walk to the warp pad as emerald brings up a tiny screen from her wrist and starts inputting (y/n)s information while Steven and topaz talk. "What the gem!" Emerald suddenly yells as diamond, topaz and Steven run over to her. "What is it em?" Topaz says looking over emeralds shoulder at her screen and gasping "theres two of her!" Emerald says showing a map of earth to diamond and Steven two small (g/c) dots flashing in different locations. "Em and I will go to the dot on the right. You and Steven go to the left." Topaz says looking at diamond "there both moving apart fast so we need to hurry." Em says standing "we meet back here in approximately 24 hours." Topaz finishes as emerald forms a small green watch fixing it on Steven's arm with a count down timer on it then they all nod and go on the search for the missing gems.
Amethysts pov.
I wake up and groan my blurry eyes focusing on the world around me as i glance around the ruins of spesserites temple my eyes landing on three gems on the ground beside me i turn into an owl and grab them in my talons quickly soaring to the warp pad a loud roar being heard as the beast rushes after me its paw above me right as the pad glows and we're gone. I let out a breath turning into myself again as sapphires gem glows faintly and her body forms her carefully landing beside me as she takes ruby's gem. "We have to hurry." Sapphire says as they step off the warp pad to the dark temple as they glance around. "STEVEN! YO WE'RE BACK!" Amethyst yells with no response as her and sapphire share a worried glance two figured stepped out of the shadows. "Onyx?" The smokey figure glided out of the shadows with a large blue sword sticking out of him as the smoke disappears in a large circle above him and the very lean male gem sits on one knee his distractingly handsome gray face written with pain short black hair resting against his forehead and a large black jumpsuit with grey stars much resembling garnets as he pulls the sword out letting out a groan. "They have "y/n. And i know whats going to happen to her. But they destroyed spesserite and silvers physical forms and took her aswell." He clenches his fist tightly before a loud boom is heard on the beach as ruby appears from her gem and quickly fuse with sapphire and create garnet. The group rushes out and is met with a large hand shaped ship. "Hello crystal gems!" A voice says before a huge wave of destabilizing electricity rushes across the beach zapping the three until they all burst into a cloud of colorful smoke.
Hey guys i know its been a while but things have gotten pretty hectic for me. So I'm putting this story on hold for a tiny bit. Only until october 28th so i can get everything set up. Im sorry for the super cliff hanger too its just where i had to stop typing. But hey ill be back soon and ill have this story finished by christmas! Yay! I may write another or upload one of my prewritten ones. Im still unsure. But for now i say bye for this short time apart!

Steven Universe X Gem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora