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HEALY: He work for you?

Lane hands the cigar back to Healy and then she starts going through Rushton's pockets.

LANE: He used to. 

HEALY: Smells of alcohol or something. Figure he crawled in here last night - drunk. Passed out. The freezer is always running. Wouldn't take long for him to frost up.

LANE: Did you tell anybody about this?

HEALY: No ma'am. The front office doesn't open until 9 am. I only just started with this meat delivery outfit. Need the money and how.

LANE: So you want a finder's fee, right?

HEALY: Never thought of calling it that but, well, I wouldn't say no. Course I wanted to do right by the old codger too, him being dead and all.

LANE: His pockets are empty, but he withdrew $3,000 from the company account yesterday.

HEALY: (innocently) Could be somebody rolled him. Dumped him here.

Lane rolls her eyes. She knows a line of BS when she hears it. She holds out her hand to collect the money.

HEALY: Well, you don't think I killed him.

Lane takes a cell phone from her pocket.

LANE: It's what the cops will think when they check out the bulge in your front pocket. Or maybe you're just happy to meet me.

Healy pauses to weigh his options. He chuckles and reaches into his pocket. He hands over a wad of cash.

HEALY: Well, I can tell you're one tough boss lady. If we're done here, I'd be obliged if you'd just cart him away, and we'll chalk this one up to experience.

Lane eyes a freezer chest on wheels.

LANE: I've got a better idea. That freezer chest for rent?

HEALY: Sure. Comes with fifty pounds of triple-A beef.  Then again some women like the taste of meat and some don't.  Catch my drift?

Lane smiles. 


The meat truck is parked in front of the open door of a storage unit. Pieces of old furniture, funeral signage and embalming items lie about indicating this is the Slaughter's storage locker.  The freezer chest has been unloaded from the truck and is against a wall near an electrical outlet. The lid is open and Rushton is visible inside the freezer. 

HEALY: If this is the way you treat your employees, I'm surely glad I don't work for you. 

Lane slams the lid down and plugs the freezer's electrical cord into the wall outlet. Healy lights another thin cigar and Lane takes it again. 

LANE: He's not an employee. He's my father. 

HEALY: Father? 

Lane bends over in front of him, rolling up the tarp they used to carry the body. Healy likes what he sees - sort of. 

HEALY: What about your ma? 

LANE: What ma? 

HEALY: No weddin' ring. Kids or other encumbrances? 

She drapes the blanket over the freezer unit, wiggling her rear end enticingly. 

LANE: Single and ready to deal. 

Healy takes off his cowboy hat and offers a handshake. 

HEALY: Healy's my name. I'm always looking for an opportunity and I know one when I see it.

Came Upon Some Bodies Rottingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن