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Lane sits in the wheelchair rubbing her aching head, deep in thought. For the first time since she's arrived at the studio, she gets out of the chair and walks around.  She stretches and then launches into some comical calesthenics (jumping jacks, side lunges, twists and knee bends) until she FARTS LOUDLY.  Crim and Jessop watch her closely.  She walks back to the wheelchair and sits, assuming a more confident posture.

LANE: Let me go back to the mortuary. All the chemicals and agents I used on my father are there. 


Apparently, she hasn't heard Jessop's negative reply or chooses not to.  More emboldened, she snaps her fingers. Russel the Floor Director puts a lighted cigarette between her lips and a glass of whiskey in her hand.  For the next minute, Lane is in her own world, immersed in the possibilities of a new and important corporate enterprise.

LANE: I want a royalty on every graver you rejuvenate. Say ten per cent. We can work out coupon deals for family discounts. Franchises of course.


LANE:  We'll open up a chain of salons.  We'll call them "Forever Alive".  No, wait, "The Slaughter House of Life".  Naturally, I want to approve all the print and media advertising.


LANE: I'll do some of the early infomercials myself, but maybe we'll get some dead celebrities to front for us, you know testimonials.

FLOOR DIRECTOR: Oh, we can get Cher!

LANE: I want you to give Russel a raise and a new car.


Jessop paces, brandishing the stun gun.

LANE: I'm sensing some hostility. 

JESSOP: We will bring what you need to our laboratory. You'll have seven days to develop an effective regime for the preservation of dead tissue and organs.

LANE: Get real. It took me weeks to treat my father.

JESSOP: We'll give you ten days and a steady supply of gravers to experiment on. If you need any living specimens, Crim will procure them.

LANE: Living.   Crim? 

Crim appears uneasy at the mention of procuring "living specimens".

LANE: WTF you Nazi freaks.

CRIM: Herr Jessop, I'm not sure I can...

Jessop shoots a cold stare at Crim and he shuts up.

LANE:  You can all drop dead, and take a flying leap into a wood chipper!!

JESSOP: Very well.  So be it.  But thank you for confirming the chemicals we need are in your mortuary.  We will sequester the contents of your funeral home immediately.

LANE: Jokes on you. The building is up for sale. The real estate agent...

JESSOP: Is one of our operatives, Ms. Slaughter.  The Offer to purchase was filed yesterday.  The down payment is in the bank.  In short, we now own your building. Since you have informed us that the materials for your father's elixir of life are in your mortuary, we have no further use for you.

LANE: You bastard.

Negotiations are finished. 

Jessop waves to the Floor Director who opens the large studio doors. A VEHICLE BACKUP SIGNAL SOUNDS. The wood chipper, hitched to the front of a small tractor, is pushed into the studio. 

Came Upon Some Bodies Rottingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن