2021-22 Loan

307 7 0

~ Training Centre ~

At the Arsenal Women's training grounds, the team was bustling with energy as they prepared for their session. Leah, surrounded by teammates, was chatting animatedly when Beth approached with a curious expression.

"Hey Leah, where's Lexi? You two are usually joined at the hip," Beth inquired, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

Leah glanced around, realizing Lexi hadn't joined them yet. "She's probably in the car still or getting changed. Got a call from Alexia, so she might be running a bit late," Leah explained, shrugging lightly.

As the team continued their preparations, their attention was drawn to the entrance where Lexi stormed in, visibly upset and not in her usual training gear. Without hesitation, she made a beeline for Jonas Eidevall, the manager, sparking confusion among her teammates.

Beth furrowed her brow, turning to Leah. "What's going on with Lexi? She seems really upset," she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Leah's expression mirrored Beth's confusion. "I don't know. She was fine this morning when we arrived. Maybe something happened on the phone?" she speculated, her tone tinged with worry.

Confusion rippled through the team as they watched the heated exchange unfold between Lexi and Jonas. Voices rose, punctuated by sharp gestures, as the argument intensified. Lexi's frustration was palpable, her gestures animated, as she expressed her grievances to the manager.

Jonas, usually composed, seemed taken aback by Lexi's outburst, his attempts to calm her down proving futile. Despite his efforts, Lexi's frustration only seemed to escalate, culminating in her storming off, her footsteps echoing in the tense silence that followed.

The team exchanged concerned glances, unsure of what had transpired but deeply unsettled by the sudden turn of events. Whispers filled the air as they attempted to piece together the fragments of the heated exchange they had witnessed.

Before they could ponder further, Katie McCabe approached the group, having overheard parts of the argument between Lexi and Jonas.

"I think I know what's happening. Lexi's apparently going to Barcelona within the week," Katie announced, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern.

The team looked to Leah, expecting her to confirm or deny the news. However, Leah's response was filled with disbelief.

"I didn't know. She didn't tell me anything," Leah admitted, her tone betraying her hurt and confusion.

Katie nodded sympathetically. "Sounds like she just found out herself, and from someone at Barcelona, not Arsenal," she clarified, her brows furrowed in concern.

Beth pieced together the puzzle, recalling Leah's mention of Alexia's call. "Didn't you say she was on the phone with Alexia?" she questioned, seeking confirmation.

Leah nodded slowly. "Yeah... I guess Alexia must've told her," she acknowledged, a sense of betrayal evident in her voice.

As the group discussed Lexi's situation, Leah's attention kept drifting in the direction Lexi had stormed off. Sensing her distraction, Katie stepped forward with a reassuring smile.

"Leah, why don't you go check on her? Don't worry about training; I'll cover for you," Katie suggested, her tone firm yet supportive.

Leah hesitated for a moment before nodding gratefully. "Thanks, Katie. I appreciate it," she murmured before making her way towards the direction Lexi had disappeared, her mind racing with concern for her girlfriend.

~ Changing room ~

Leah burst into the changing rooms, her eyes searching for her girl and when she found her sat on the bench, head in her hands, she immediately rushed to her side, enveloping her in a comforting embrace.

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