13. Vivian

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Vivian only had one class today, which was going to end at 2 PM. Ordinarily, she would go to the library afterward, but today she didn't feel like it at all.

'Should I do the laundry? Nah, it's too early, and I don't have a lot of clothes to wash. Should I rearrange my room? Or vacuum it? But we did it on Sunday. Should I visit Vincent? Yes, I can go surprise him,' she decided.

She promptly walked back to her dorm and dropped off her laptop and books. She looked at herself in the mirror; her hair looked fine, no need to touch that. She was wearing a black hackathon t-shirt and jean shorts. She contemplated changing them but thought that she was just visiting him at his apartment so it wouldn't matter anyway. But just as she was about to step out the door, a sudden wave of discomfort washed over her.

Feeling a pang in her abdomen, Vivian's heart sank as she realized what had arrived uninvited – her period. It couldn't have chosen a worse moment to make its appearance.

'Should I still surprise him? Or should I just go and take a nap?'

She decided she'd visit him; she would get very busy starting next week as she had her finals. She doubted she would be able to meet him that often. She should take advantage of the rare leisure to go meet him.

'Should I take a cab or should I just take the bus? But I would have to walk more than a kilometer, I'm too tired for that now. Never mind I'll just take the taxi.'

Halfway through the cab, she realized that he wouldn't be in his apartment today. It was a regular Tuesday afternoon; he would be in the office. She decided to text Lyrus to confirm that. After getting his confirmation and the address of his office, she asked the cab driver to turn around and head there.

Vivian's cab glided to a halt in front of the towering corporate edifice that housed Indris, the prestigious multinational conglomerate. As she approached the entrance of the colossal building, its reflective glass facade shimmered in the morning sunlight, casting a kaleidoscope of reflections around her. The bustling energy of the city seemed to converge upon this epicenter of commerce and innovation.

She should have changed her clothes! A flicker of self-consciousness washed over Vivian as she entered the lobby, her casual attire contrasting starkly with the elegance of the well-heeled professionals bustling about. Nonetheless, she went in, thinking she was already here and she had spent almost an hour in the car.

Vivian crossed the threshold into the expansive lobby, where the hustle and bustle of corporate life unfolded before her. The sleek marble floors echoed with the sound of clicking heels and bustling conversations, punctuated by the occasional ring of a phone or the soft hum of technology.

She hesitantly approached the receptionist, who was wearing a light blue shift and a tailored black pencil skirt. "Can I know where Vincent is? Vincent Valerius?"

The receptionist smiled a very professional smile that made Vivian a little jealous, how could someone's smile be so perfect.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Uh... no but I'm his girlfriend and I just want to surprise him." Vivian felt she was incredibly naive as she said that. Even she felt like she was lying.

"I'm sorry Miss, you need an appointment to meet the chairman," the receptionist said.


The receptionist just smiled. Her eyes seemed to mock her for claiming to be his girlfriend but not even knowing that he was the chairman. But she really didn't know that he was the chairman! He never mentioned that! He only said he worked in Indris! She was going to make him buy her ice cream later!

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