First Impressions

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"Hey Richard!" Wally smiled as he got closer to the Potion Classroom and saw the Slytherins standing there. 

"Hey Wally! Look, I made a friend!" Richard smiled widely.

"Roy Harper." Roy said with a grimace. 

" sure he's your friend?" Wally asked.

"Yep!" Richard popped the 'p'.

"Wow. And to think that you're the great Wally he's been talking about." Roy snorted.

"Excuse me, Mr. I-don't-look-friendly!" Wally huffed.

"Please don't fight! Why can't you two be friends too?" Richard's bottom lip puffed out.

"Fine." Roy and Wally grumbled together.

Richard immediately brightened up, "Great! We're going to have such fun together!"

Then, the door to the Potions classroom opened up.


"I'm your Potions teacher, Professor Snape. And I'll be honest: some of you won't make it in this class." Snape started his lecture.  

"He's got one thing right. This class is seriously boring!" Wally whispered to the blonde sitting next to him.

The blonde giggled a little before putting back on a straight face.

"Is something funny Mr. West and Miss Crock?" Snape asked.

"No, sir." Miss Crock immediately answered.

"Mr. West?" Snape sneered.

"Of course not, sir." Wally said.

All the Slytherins were laughing quietly.

Even Roy and Richard had their hands where their mouths were, trying to hide laughs.

Snape went back to pacing the floor and talking.

Wally made a face at Richard and Roy.

Richard stuck his tongue at Wally.

"Who is he? You're boyfriend?" Miss Crock asked.

Wally's eyes went wide and his mouth opened and shut.

"N-NO!" Wally screamed.

"Mr. West! Detention and 50 points for disrupting the class." Snape snapped. 

Roy and Richard where once again hiding their laughter.


After Potions class, Richard went up to Professor Snape and gave him a hug.

"You looked like you needed one." Richard said before running out of the classroom.  

Snape just stood in shock.


Richard walked into Transfiguration class.

He took in the room immediately. 

It looked like a normal classroom, except for the fact that there was a cat on the teacher's desk.

Richard smiled, looking at the cat.

"Roy! It's a cat!" Richard started bouncing, obviously he was happy that there was a cat.

"It's a cat, so what?" Roy was unimpressed.

"It's not just any cat!" Richard winked at the cat.

The cat's ears and tail flicked in curiosity.

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