The Small Things

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I can't believe it's already been a year! Gesh!
I'm so sorry to leave this story unattended to for so long!

And thank you to all that have stuck around still! (And told me to get off my lazy butt lol!)


"Snape, do you like quidditch?" Richard asked, realizing that he didn't ever speak of the game aside from talking about the tryouts time.

"No. Especially when I'm forced to go to each match to make sure no fights break out." Severus replied.

"Why not?" Dick cocked his head to the side.

"I've never been the one for sports. Muggle or magical." Snape said.

"So you were raised by a muggle parent?" Richard asked.

"Yes, but that's for another day." Severus said with a bit of a snap. He really didn't want to talk about his father. Ever.

"Okay, I get it. Sometimes it hurts to talk about my parents too." Dick said.

"So your parents were muggles as well?" Snape asked.

"Yes and no. My mom was magical but my dad was a muggle. I was raised in the circus. And when my mom found out he wasn't magical, she loved him. She didn't want to leave. But she swore that he was by the way he flew on the trapeze. I've been told by a lot of people that we all looked magical on the trapeze." Richard explained.

"So, you are a bit of a sport person yourself?" Snape asked, thinking it hard for the energetic boy to not be.

"Well, sometimes but I don't really want to play on a team. More of sports between friends." Dick smiled.

"I can respect that. Or between enemies." Severus tried to mutter the last part.

"Only some." Richard laughed.

"Now young man, you should not be having any enemies this young." Snape said.

"Not really. I just think he's jealous and needs some discipline." Dick shrugged, thinking of Malfoy.

"Or perhaps he needs a friend. Someone who won't put up with his stuff but also be there for him. He might be lonely." Severus hinted.

"Maybe you're right." Richard nodded to himself.

"And as much as I despise Quidditch, I will be refereeing the match tomorrow." Snape said.

"What? Why? You don't like it!" Dick wondered.

"After the last match, I would much rather rest easy knowing nothing happens to another student." Severus said.

"You mean the weird thing that happened to Harry's broom? It was colored black for a few minutes." Dick said.

"Black?!" Snape's eyes went wide.

"Yeah. Why? What's wrong exactly?" Richard asked.

"I knew it was a spell, but I wasn't sure how bad it was. Someone is trying to kill Harry." Severus said.

"What! Who would do that?!" Dick asked, panicking.

"I'm not sure but I have a few suspicions. Let me know if you see any suspicious behavior." Snape said.

"Okay, can you tell me who to look for?" Richard asked.

"No." Severus said firmly.

Dick huffed, "That's a lot of help."


"That slimy git!" Ron growled after hearing from Harry that the next Quidditch match was to be refereed by Snape.

"I really don't want to play if Snape is the ref." Harry said, not looking forward to flying tomorrow.

"Well, maybe he's a better ref than a teacher?" Hermione hoped and failed to have faith in her own words.

"Well, he better be! Or that slimebag-" Ron was cut off by everyone laughing as Neville came literally hopping into the Gryffindor common room.

"Neville!" Hermione gasped and quickly did the counter spell for the Leg-Locker Curse.

"What happened? Who did this?" Rob and Harry asked at the same time.

"Malfoy did this! I came out of the library and he said he needed a target to practice on!" Neville frowned deeply.

"You need to tell Professor McGonagall about this!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I'd rather not make any more trouble. I just want to be left alone for now." Neville said.

"He will leave you alone if you report him!" Hermione pushed.

"I don't want any more trouble." Neville repeated.

"Come on man! You have to stand up to him! Don't let him walk all over you too!" Ron said, agreeing with Hermione.

"You don't have to tell me that I wasn't cut out for Gryffindor. Malfoy has already told me and made it really clear." Neville said.

"Yeah? Well Malfoy is a stupid Slytherin and you're  worth so much more than him!" Harry said. He grabbed his last Chocolate Frog card and held it out to Neville.

"Thanks, but you should keep it. I'd rather have your kind words." Neville have a shy smile before walking off.

Harry shrugged and looked at the card. He was about to put it in his pocket when he noticed it.

"Nicolas Flannel!" Harry gasped.

"What?" Ein and Hermione were confused.

"Nicolas Flannel. I'd heard the name before! It's on the Dumbledore card!" Harry showed them both the back of the card.

"The Sorcerer's Stone! Nicolas Flannel is the only know maker of it!" Hermione rushed to her room and grabbed a book before running back to the boys.

"The Sorcerer's Stone was mentioned in this book I was reading for fun." Hermione flipped to the right page.

"For fun?" Ron looked horrified.

"The Sorcerer's Stone transforms any metal into gold. And it also produces the Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker immortal!" Hermione red from the book.

"So, that's what the dog is guarding?" Harry asked.

"Most likely! What else would it be guarding?" Hermione asked.


So, I like the idea of things going on in the background of the story and having it tie together in the end.
Also I don't want to stick to the book 100% so I'm trying to give different perspectives on this.

But what do you think?

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