United Houses?

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When Richard woke up the next day, he noticed that not only were the bottles of potions glowing, but the walls too.

He looked around and noticed that he wasn't in his dorm room.

Richard was in a white room, as long as a hall, but on a bed.

'Hospital Wing' Richard decided.

"Hello there honey!" Madam Pomfrey smiled.

"Hello Madam Pomfrey." Richard smiled. 

"Now, you can't go wondering the halls again when you're supposed to be here, resting." Madam Pomfrey said sternly.

Richard was confused. 

"I didn't wonder the halls. I was...I was...Oh! There was a Troll! Is everyone okay? Where are they? Did the Troll get to any of them? Are they-" Richard started to panic.

"Hold up little one. Hold up. Everyone was fine. Even the students you protected. That's why you're here though. You were exhausted, so you passed out. But now you're here and by the looks of things, you're doing well." Madam Pomfrey said, waving her wand over him.   

"Oh." was all Richard said.

"Now, since you're fine, you can go. But I want you to take it easy. If you feel unwell, come here. Even if your in the middle of class, tell your teacher." Madam Pomfrey said.

"Yes, Madam." Richard nodded his head.

"Now, I'm sure your friends want to see you. Go on and have breakfast." Madam Pomfrey shooed him out.


"Richard!" Hermione smiled as he came into the Great Hall.

"Hey guys!" Richard smiled.

"We were worried, man. But you're fine now, right?" Ron asked.

"Yep! All good now. How are you guys?" Richard asked.

"Fine." Harry replied, coming out from whatever he was thinking.

"Thank you for saving our lives." Hermione said.

"No problem. I'd do it again, but I have to take it easy for right now. Madam Pomfrey said if I don't, I'll end back up in the Hospital Wing." Richard said.

"Then, sit down!" Hermione yelled and pulled Richard onto the bench.

"Hermione! I can stand. And I shouldn't be at the Gryffindor table! What if your Head-of-House doesn't like it?" Richard asked, worried about getting his friend into trouble.

"Well your my friend, so I don't see why you shouldn't sit down at this table." Hermione huffed.

"I just don't want to get you into trouble." Richard said.

"It's fine. I doubt she'll kick you out. Especially if you're supposed to be taking it easy." Hermione grinned.

"Careful 'mine, you're starting to sound like a Slytherin." Ron laughed.

Hermione stuck her tongue at Ron.

"I'm sure it's fine, Richard." Harry said.

"Okay." Richard shrugged. 

Meanwhile, up at the Teacher's Table, McGonagall sent a look to Snape.

"Well, it seems someone is making house unity happen." Albus said, eyes twinkling.

"Let's hope that is the worst that they all do." Snape said.

"Worst? Severus, this is a good thing. Perhaps the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin stops." Minerva said.

Poppy snorted, "That'll only work if you get all of Slytherin and Gryffindor in on it." 

Filius smirked, "Who knows? Perhaps they can do the "impossible"!" 

Severus sneered, "As if."

"Now, Severus. Let's just wait to see how everyone else reacts." Dumbledore nodded towards some kids approaching the Gryffindor table.   

"Hey, Grayson, what do you think you're doing?" Malfoy asked.

Richard looked up, "Talking to my friends."

"Why are you sitting at the Griffindorks' Table, idiot." said Crabbe loudly, so that the whole hall could hear.

"I told you, I'm sitting with my friends." Richard said.

"You're friends with the blood traitor, the mudblood, and half-blood?" Pansy snorted. 

"Their names are Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Yes, they are my friends. And I suggest you treat them nicely or else." Richard's eyes glowed. 

"You're not a Slytherin. You're probably a muggle-lover too!" Pansy spit.

"Now, Pansy. He's probably wanting to live with the disgusting muggles. After all, they are pigs just like him. His parents are probably just like him." Draco sneered. 

Richard was up and close Draco's face in seconds.

Richard's magic was crackling around him very fast. 

"What did you say about my parents?" Richard's eyes were now a very dark blue, almost black.

Malfoy backed up quickly, his eyes wide.

In fact, the crowd of Slytherins that had been forming backed up quickly, most of them going back to their seats.

"N-N-Nothing!" Draco back up, but ended up falling onto the ground.

"This is just a taste of what I can do. Don't mess with me, Draco Lucius Malfoy." Richard said so loudly that the whole Hall could hear. 

Most of the students gasped.

Draco nodded quickly.

Richard stood up strait from where he bent down to look at Draco in the eyes. 

Richard then walked back to the Gryffindor table and sat down, never leaving his eyes off of Draco.

Draco got up slowly, Richard never leaving his eyes.

"M-M-My father will-"

"I don't care what your father has to say, Draco. Heed my warning; Don't mess with me." Richard glared.


"Man, what you did to Draco was awesome!" Ron laughed as they walked to their first class of that day.

"It was, but I'm really tired now." Richard said, frowning.

"Richard, if you're tired, you should go lay down." Hermione said worriedly. 

"I'll be fine. After all, it's only Transfiguration. What's the worst that could happen?" Richard smirked.


"Richard, are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Tired. So tired." Richard said, visible swaying side to side.

"Professor McGonagall!" Harry called loudly, above the level that Minerva was speaking.

"What, Mr. Potter? Why did you not simply raise your hand? Why must you have to-Mr. Grayson!" Richard fell off the bench, unconscious.   

"Oh my! Mr. Potter, go get Madam Pomfrey!" McGonagall instructed.

Harry ran out while Professor McGonagall checked on Richard.

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