Check Up!

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Richard sighed in frustration.

He couldn't find a book about what he was seeing!

'Maybe it means I'm sick or something.' Richard thought. 

'Might as well go see Madam Pomfrey. If she knows what I'm talking about, or if I'm actually sick, she'll help. So, it's not a wasted trip!' Richard went out of the library and walked to the Medical Ward.

When he got there, no one was in the Ward, at least, no students...yet.

"Madam Pomfrey?" Richard called out, looking around. 

A door at the end of the ward opened up, and a woman came out.

"Yes, dear?" the woman asked.

"Are you Madam Pomfrey?" Richard asked, uncertain.

"Yes, I am. Are you sick or hurt sweetie?" the Matron asked. 

"I'm not sure, actually." Richard asked.

"Not sure? Why don't you come into my office and sit down." Pomfrey said.

She put a hand on Richard's back and lead him to her office, which held a Floo, a few filing cabinets, a couple chairs, and a desk. 

"Now, tell me what's going on." Pomfrey said as Richard sat down.

"Well, I've been seeing something, and I'm not sure what it is. I've asked a few people but they don't see it. And no books in the library have what I've seen." Richard said.

"And what are you seeing honey?" Madam Pomfrey asked with great concern in her eyes.

"Well, whenever there's a spell or something that is being used with a spell or potion, there's...stuff around it." Richard said.

"Explain what that stuff is please." Pomfrey asked.

"Well, around the feather when we used the levitation spell, it turned purple. Like, a bubble around it. A-And just today, in Herbology, Professor Sprout cast a spell and it had a white bubble around it. And during Potions, some of the ingredients had different colored bubbles around them." Richard said.

Madam Pomfrey nodded her head.

"Yes...I think I've heard of this before. I need to go get something real fast to test this though. You wait right here honey." Madam Pomfrey said before she left the room.

Richard sat patiently while he waited for her to come back. 

"Hello there young man!" someone, a male from the voice, said.

Richard turned around to see two people with Madam Pomfrey.

One was his Potions Professor, who was carrying several vials and ingredients.

The other was an elderly man with a snow white beard and hair. He had blues eyes that twinkled, and had blue robes with stars on them.

"Hello." Richard said.

"Sweetheart, this is Headmaster Dumbledore and you already know the Potions Master." Pomfrey said.

"I've heard that you are seeing things." Dumbledore said.

"Yes...And I thought that there was a patient, Matron confidentiality thing going." Richard frowned. 

"Well, yes, however, to test what I need to, I need to have certain ingredients and the Headmaster to declare whether or not you have what I think you do." Madam Pomfrey said cryptically. 

Headmaster Dumbledore took a seat across from Richard.

"Okay, Richard, I'm going to have Professor Snape put some items in front of you. I want you to pick out the items you see this bubble around." Dumbledore said.

Professor Snape put a few items on the table.

"Okay, you may now choose." Dumbledore said.

Richard picked a few items that he saw had a bubble around it.

"Okay...Why did you pick those?" Dumbledore asked.

"These have bubbles around them!" Richard smiled shyly. 

They did the same process a few more times before they stopped.

"Whelp, that concludes it! He has it." Dumbledore said.

"What do I have?" Richard asked.

"You have a unique gift, Richard. You're seeing the magic around these items. And from what Madam Pomfrey has said, you're beginning to see the auras of certain things. Normally, this might happen to someone at an older age who is trained to look for it, however, you're unique. You're seeing the magic in not only spells, but items. And perhaps soon, you'll see people's auras. From the colors that you've said you've seen, you're seeing the magic in it's true form. You said that you saw a spell with a transparent bubble around it, well, that'll change color. The more you're around magic, the more you'll see." the Headmaster explained. 

"So the reason I see the bubbles is that it's magic's aura, in a sense. And so the Potion ingredients have magical properties, and that's why I see the bubble around them." Richard understood it now! 

"Yes. You should know that you'll start seeing the bubbles around people. And the more often you are exposed to the magic, the more the bubbles will change into a mist. But I must warn you; Not many have this power. You're unique because you have the ability to see the aura of Potion ingredients and magic. Professor Snape here can only see the bubble around Potion ingredients. I can only see the bubble around people. A few curse-breakers can only see the bubble around the curse or spell. You're unique in that you see both. And I wouldn't be surprised if you started seeing the bubble around people. And perhaps objects that have been around magic for some time." Dumbledore said.  

"Mr. Grayson, I would not go around bragging about this power. I would be VERY careful about who I tell." Headmaster Dumbledore warned.

Richard nodded his head.

"Now, back to class, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss anything." Dumbledore smiled.

"Okay. Thank you!" Richard got up and hugged the Headmaster.

He then hugged Matron Pomfrey. 

Richard then quickly hugged Snape, who stood very stiff.

He quickly ran off before any of them could do anything to him.

"See, Albus?! He does it every time he sees me!" Severus growled.

Albus chuckled. 

"Oh, Severus. Let him give hugs! He's just a very affectionate child! Don't you do anything to squash that! If you do, you'll have ME to answer to!" Madam Pomfrey threatened. 

"I have to agree with Poppy, Severus. He's the only child in Slytherin who is very affectionate." Albus Dumbledore smiled.

Severus growled deeply.

He'd get the boy with something.

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