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Richard pushed everyone backwards.

"Into the stall." Richard pointed at the last stall in the bathroom; the one furthest away from the Troll. 

Hermione, Ron, and Roy rushed to the back, but only Ron and Hermione got into the stall.

Roy crouched bellow the sinks in the other back corner. 

Richard pulled out his wand as did Harry.

"What are we doing?" Harry asked.

"No idea. Hopefully just survive until a teacher comes." Richard said.

The Troll threw his club down a few yards away from Richard and Harry.

The Troll then used its club to bash down some of the stalls. 

A few pieces went flying, but one of the doors hit Richard and Harry.

They were sent tumbling to the back wall, by Roy. 

Harry looked around and grabbed his wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Harry yelled.

A few pieces of rubble flew at the Troll. 

The Troll put all his attention on Harry.

Richard grabbed Roy and pushed him into the stall.

Richard then picked up his wand and closed his eyes.

He started chanting, holding his hands up.

His free left hand was extended and open, like he was waiting for a high-five, and the other hand-which had the wand- was extended also. 

As he chanted, pieces of rubble came and formed a protective bubble-like shield around the stall that the three other students were in. (The protective shield also went around him.)

Harry levitated the club and hit the Troll over the head with it, instantly knocking the Troll out.


The Troll fell onto the ground.

Footsteps were heard, getting louder.

Suddenly, McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell were in the bathroom. 

"Richard. It's okay. Teachers here." Harry said before sitting on the ground, breathing hard.

Severus looked to then corner of the room that had rubble in an unusual ball.

"Richard. It's me. It's okay. You're safe!" Snape said, crossing the room and coming to the ball.

"Richard. Trust me. Please." Severus said, eyes never leaving the ball. 

The ball gave a shutter before the pieces that made it started to slowly float to the ground.

Everyone in the room looked as the pieces fell away.

Richard was standing there both hands extended, but one had his wand in his hand. 

He was shaking violently, but that's not what caught the teachers' attention.

Richard's eyes were sparking, as was the air around his body occasionally. 

As the last pieces of the rubble fell away, the teachers found that not only was Richard in the shield, but so was Ron, Roy, and Hermione. 

Richard fell to his knees before he fell forwards, unconscious. 

The sparking around his body stopped a few minutes later. 

"My word!" Minerva gasped, and the immediately went into action. 

"Bloody hell!" Ron yelled, looking at Richard.

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