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Severus woke up the morning of Halloween and started it like every other day.

Shower, put on his clothes, make tea (or coffee if he had a bad night), then finishing grading some papers.

Severus made coffee because he knew the kids where going to be more rambunctious today.

It was Halloween.

While most of the teachers dressed up, including the Headmaster, Severus was the only one who did not. 

He heard a knock on his private quarters door, something he did not hear often.

"Sir, there is a Richard Grayson waiting out here for you." the portrait who guarded his quarters said.

"Let him in." Severus informed the knight who guarded his door.

A moment later, Richard Grayson came bouncing into his living room.

Richard gasped quietly while looking around the room.

The living room had a black leather couch and two black leather chairs, a dark mahogany coffee table with coasters on it, a black rug that almost blended in with the stone floor laid under the coffee table and partially under the couch, a fireplace, a few bookshelves, an open-concept kitchen was in the corner, and a hallway that had other doors in it. (A/N: Maybe I should be an interior designer, lol) 

On the wall was a few paintings, two Slytherin banners, and a few torches.

On a bookcase, there was a few books laying out and a music box. 

On the fireplace was a few pictures of the same girl that had red hair and bright green eyes. One of the pictures had a man with curly black hair and hazel eyes. A couple of the pictures had a boy that looked like a younger version of Severus Snape in them. 

Richard looked at Snape as soon as he took in the whole room.

"I didn't expect you to have so many pictures or a music box." Richard said.

"Let me guess, it seems impossible for me to enjoy something other than Potions?" Severus asked.

"No, I just didn't think you'd be into music that much." Richard shrugged.

"Why are you here?" Severus asked.

"Oh yeah! I got you something." Richard held out a present wrapped in black and orange. 

Snape's eyebrow raised, "You do know present exchanging is for Christmas, yes?"

"Yeah. I just thought that you needed this though." Richard smirked.

"Go on!" Richard nodded his head at the present.

Severus carefully unwrapped the present.

It was a white box. 

Snape lifted the top off the box.

Inside, there was an orange scarf.

Severus looked at Richard with a slight glare.

Richard laughed a bit before he carefully grabbed the scarf. 

He crawled onto Snape's lap and carefully placed the scarf around Snape's throat. 

Richard then tied it so that it wouldn't fall off easily.  

He threw on of the tails over Severus' shoulder so that it hung down his back.

Richard positioned the knot so that the back tail wasn't moving around a lot.

He then placed the front tail down Severus' chest.

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