Christmas Day

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Harry woke up on Christmas morning and was very surprised! He had presents on his trunk!

Harry honestly didn't expect any for he never got any presents before, unless you count a coat hanger and some old socks, but Harry didn't think that those were to be counted.

"Morning Harry! Well, whatchu starting at them for?" Ron greeted him, already opening his presents.

Harry had a great big smile as he grabbed the first present off the top of the pile.

This present was wrapped in a dark green forest paper with a white tag tapped to the top, 'To: Harry' it said.

Harry ripped into the paper to find a small note and a wooden flute. 'Hope you enjoy this! From: Hagrid'

The flute looked hand-carved. Harry blew into it and covered some of the holes while he blew. It came out pretty but sounded like a mess. "Guess I can learn to play the flute then!" Harry laughed.

"If Hermione was here she'd say that you could go and join the band class!" Ron and Harry laughed.

Harry reached for the next present which was a white box taped on all sides. It simply said 'Harry' on it in nice handwritting.

"Oh! Mum sent one for you too!" Ron said with recognition in his eyes.

Harry opened the box and found a homemade knitted sweater with an 'H' on it. Under that was some goodies and some fudge that looked delicious!

"Mum makes them every year for us. Guess she wanted you to have one too!" Ron said, slightly embarrassed.

"It's brilliant!" Harry smiled wide!

"How about we come back to these in a bit, I'm starving!" Ron said.

"You're always starving, Ron!" Harry laughed but got up nonetheless.

Richard yawned and stretched and he woke up. But instead of being on his normal bed, he was on a leather couch instead! Snape's couch!

"Good morning. Do you want some breakfast?" Severus asked.

Richard could smell bacon, eggs, hash browns, and fresh fruit along with tea.

"Yes, please!" Dick smiled. "I didn't know you could cook."

"I live on my own so it's imperative that I know how to." Snape's said.

"That must be sad and lonely." Richard said.

"It's not terrible. I am used to myself." Severus said.

"By the way, it seems that the castle knew that you'd be here. And it decided that giving you a Christmas tree and your presents in my living room would also be a good idea." Snape's glared at the wall a little.

Dick looked at the corner and saw that there was indeed a Christmas tree with presents under it.

"Well, come eat and then you can open them." Snape said, setting a plate down at the kitchen table.

Richard devoured his food.

"Well, go on!" Severus pointed his fork at the presents while he finished his fruit.

Dick took the first present and opened it after reading that it was from Alfred.

It was a box of his favorite hot chocolate, tea, and Alfred's chocolate chip cookies!

"Snape! You have to try one!" Richard said, stuffing a cookie in both of their mouths.

"That's good." Snape said with widened eyes.

"It's Alfred's cookies! They're the best!" Dick smiled.

"They are good. Now don't eat them all right now!" Severus snapped lightly.

Richard laughed and put the tin down and went back to the tree.
He pulled out a present from Bruce.

It was a silver and green blanket that changed colors into Richard's favourite colors when shifted in the light. He pulled it around himself and gasped. It felt like someone was hugging him!

"Snape! Feel this!" Dick swung the blanket around him.

"Oh! An enchantment." Snape said then wrapped Richard in the blanket once more.

Dick went back to the tree and grabbed the last two gifts from under it.

"This one is yours!" Richard handed Snape a present.

Severus was honestly surprised.

"F-for me?" Snape asked, looking in bewilderment and surprise and Dick.

"Yep!" Richard smile and started opening his gift, which he knew was from Snape.

Inside, there was a leather wand holster. It was made of black leather with green accents here and there.

"It goes on you wrist or ankle. And it's easier to carry around then getting your appendages blow off." Snape said.

"So you noticed that I put it in my boot." Richard blushed.

"Which is extremely dangerous. But now you don't have to worry about that." Severus said.

"Thank you!" Dick put it on his ankle and slipped his wand into it.

"Open yours now!" Richard said.

Snape chuckled but opened his present.

Inside was a black silky cloak.

"Thank you." Severus said.

"It's black now, but if you want to change the color, you just think of the color and tap on it!" Dick pulled out his wand and tapped on the cloak, making it turn a dark purple.

Snape chuckled, "Trying to get me to wear more colors now?"

"Me? Never!" Richard laughed.

"Well, come on, let's go see what the other people are up to." Severus said, standing up and putting on the dark purple robe.

"Yay!" Dick laughed.

"After this, I have to show you something." Harry said after he swallowed his food.

"What is-" Ron stopped speaking immediately.

"What?" Harry looked in the direction Ron was looking.

Snape was wearing a dark purple robe, followed by what everyone assumed was the one who got him into it, Richard Grayson.

"How to bloody hell?" Ron asked.

"No idea." Harry shook his head.

"Don't tell me he's going to hand out presents too!" Ron said, looking concerned at Harry.

"No. He wouldn't go that far. Snape is still Snape." Harry said.

"What were you saying before that happened?" Ron asked.

"There's a mirror here. And we'll, I saw my parents!" Harry said.

"But your parents are kind know... dead." Ron said.

"I know, but I know what I saw!" Harry said.

"Well, let's go see it!" Ron said. "I want to meet them!"

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