The Mysterious Doors

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Richard went to the library as the other kids were in class.

Although Madam Prince kept looking at him, she didn't interrupt him. 

While Richard was looking through various books, he did complete his homework by lunch time. 

However, Richard didn't find anything about Nicolas Flannel.

With a half sad but also half happy heart, he went to lunch in the Great Hall. 

He sat at the Gryffindore table so he could talk with Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

"I got my homework all done, but I couldn't find anything on Flannel." Richard said.

"Oh good! I'm glad you're keeping up with your homework! Also, here's today's work." Hermione handed him the notes and homework.

"Thank you, Hermione! I seriously owe you one." Richard smiled.

"Seriously? So what if he's a few days behind? He'll catch up later. Let him rest." Ron grumbled.

"Ronald! Our education is very important! He shouldn't be slacking off!" Hermione slightly-yelled at him.

"I'm just saying that he's supposed to be resting! Not running around finding books!" Ron yelled back.

"I'm ganna go. Do you want to come with?" Richard pointed to the Slytherin table.

"No way in a hundred years." Harry shook his head.

Dick laughed as he walked away, "You might change your mind, Harry!" 

"See you, love birds!" Richard laughed.

"WE'RE NOT LOVE BIRDS!" Hermione and Ron shouted at the same time.

Richard grimaced, but didn't say anything.

They totally were.


"Well, well. The Gryffindor steps back into the house of the snakes." Malfoy said as Richard came into the common room of Slytherin.

"Cut the crap, Malfoy." Dick yelled as he walked through.

"You'll regret the day you walked into here, Grayson! Just like your parents regret having you!" Malfoy yelled after him.

Dick stopped.

He was over by Malfoy in a flash, holding the kid up by his neck.

"I told you once, Draco. You can talk about me. About my father. But don't you EVER talk about my parents." Richard said in the coldest, most emotionless voice he had.

A perfect came up to the pair, "Hey! Let's not start a fight now."

"Leave, if you know what's best for you." Grayson said.

The perfect backed up before running out of the common room, into the Hogwart's hallway.

"That goes for the rest of you in here. Go. This is between Draco and I." Richard said in a strong, cold voice.

Everyone disappeared quickly.

"How many times does it take for you to get the idea, Draco?" Richard asked, like he was a parent scolding a child.

Draco chocked as Dick's grip tightened.

"RICHARD JOHN GRAYSON!" Severus Snape thundered into the common room, the perfect right behind him.

 "What?" Dick snapped at him.

"You will put him down, NOW!" Severus growled.

Richard laughed, "Why would I put down the little ferret?" Dick asked, laughing an emotionless laugh.

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