Chapter Three

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School. I am completely dreading going to a new school.

Yesterday when I got home from the park, I came home to a bright eyed, happy go lucky soccer mom. I only hope she is that same mom this morning.

I walk down stairs, my mom is drinking her coffee and reading the newspaper, it always calmed her down for some reason. Perhaps, it was the cheesy puns and comics on page 3, "Hey, mom. I'm ready to go. Are you okay to drive me to school?" I ask.

She snorts and stands up, "Yes! Let's go, honey."

I smile, putting my hood on before walking outside and my mom follows me. She looks like she hasn't slept one bit, I think I get my restless sleeping from her.

We got inside of the car, "Okay, you know where it is?" I ask.

My mom sighs, "It's your new school. Why on earth would I not know where it is?" She scowls.

I sigh back, "alright, well, just checking... You probably wouldn't have even been able to remember it's name if I asked you Saturday night. Or any night before that." I mumble.

She raises her eyebrows, "excuse me?"

"Nothing, nothing. It's just, I don't want to be late. It's bad enough that I'm new and don't know my way around." I roll my eyes as she enters the high school's entrance and parks the car.

My mom looks at me and sighs, playing with my hair, "I know, sweetie. That bastard sure did ruin it for us, didn't he?"

I sit in the car, just staring at her, tears forming in my eyes. I take a deep breath, "Well, I gotta go." I open the door and get out, not letting another word be spoken between us.

I take out my schedule:

1st period- US History: room 58
2nd period- English 3: room 97
3rd period- Mathematics: room 60
4th period- Lit. Expression: room 90
5th period- Spanish: room 100
6th period- Chemistry: room 98

The school has many different buildings, I take my chances and walk to the one closest to me.

The first room is labeled "room 35" so I walk down the hallways, asking some people to help guide me. Until I finally reach it. Room 58.

Here we go.

The door is wide open.

Should I go in? It's 8:00 a.m, class starts in ten minutes. Is it weird to go in this early? Like should I wait at least five more minutes?

I shake my head at myself before finally deciding to walk into class.

There is about five people inside of the classroom already, paying no mind to me. They are getting coffee from a coffee pot at the back of the room. The smell of it makes me feel warm and content inside.

I hold back a strange look before walking up to the teacher, "May I help you, Hun?" She asks.

"Oh, uhm." C'mon vocal chords, don't you fail me now. "I," am very nervous for no reason all of the time, says a voice inside of my head, but I brush it off, "am a new student." I smile.

The lady became excited, "oh, that's right! Scarlette." She smiles.

"Uhm, yeah!" I push my eyebrows together, "how did you-"

"Oh, it's just something I like to do. Students should feel like the teacher is cheering them on, not dragging them down," she nods. "I feel like knowing their name is a part of that process, wouldn't you think?"

I nod my head and smile, not knowing what words to push out of my throat next.

"Sorry-- I'm your history teacher! Mrs. Woods," she introduces herself. "Go ahead and take a seat wherever, I will introduce the class to you when class starts. There's coffee in the back. I bring enough coffee every Monday morning for everyone to have just one cup and I only bring it for first period, so feel special." She chuckles to herself before returning to her desk.

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