Chapter Thirteen

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*one week later*

I lay on the wooden floor of the partially done treehouse with my feet dangling off the edge of the open entrance and look up at the sky, which is covered with gray clouds. It's suppose to snow later.

I know I said I'd never come to this place without Tyler, but here I am. I'm not sure why. To tell you the truth, there is no one reason. It's more like everything all at once.

My mom has been going in and out of her false realities, I just do what Tyler did. I guide her back to reality because she can't always do it herself, I understand that now.

It's quiet. A calming quiet and I could almost fall asleep, but I'm alone and afraid of bugs. And bears. And wolves. And ghosts. And-

"You haven't talked to me in a week, you know." I hear Tyler's voice softly speak and I sit up, continuing to let my legs dangle. I look down at Tyler and he looks up at me.

I continue to stare at him with wide eyes as he makes his way up. He is dressed in a different sweater than his usual one. This one looks like more of a black jacket with a blue hoodie zipped underneath and black skinny jeans. He always looks so cute.

Tyler stands above me when he makes it up, I look up at him and then look away quickly, folding my hands in my lap.

Tyler sighs, sitting down next to me and letting his feet dangle as well. "You're still not gunna talk to me?"

"Who says I'm the one who stopped talking?" I roll my eyes, trying to find a way to justify my actions.

"35 calls, 12 voice mails I left you over the past week- and I don't even want to count the messages." Tyler explains to me and I can feel him looking at me.

"Almost a hundred- you sent me 95 text messages." I confirm.

"Yeah? Well. Not one of them were answered. Not even an 'I'm alright'."

I clear my throat and look up at Tyler, looking into his eyes. One way or another, this always happens. I always find a way to cut people out.

"You know I was worried sick, Scarlette." Tyler spews words from his mouth as if they're a pain to push out. "I know the things you're capable of doing and I just couldn't sleep knowing you were capable of those things, especially after what happened with your mom before I left your house."

I look away as I feel the salt water filling up inside of my eyes, I convince myself that they'll go away if I blink rapidly. It doesn't work, they just stay there.

"Why are you here, Scarlette?" Tyler pushes out harshly, as if he demands an answer.

I fear talking because I don't want to hear my hideous voice crack and tremble. "Because I can be." I shrug.

"Don't." Tyler shakes his head, "don't shut me out, Scarlette. Don't do it."

I close my eyes, trying to seal my tears. So desperately trying to kill them off. I shake my head and don't say anything.

"I don't understand. I don't know what I did. Help me understand." Tyler's voice is soft as he tries to grab my hand, but I dismiss the action by running it through my hair.

"You didn't do anything, Tyler!" I snap. "You're perfect! And that scares me. I'm scared you're going to realize that you can do so much better than just me. I should've warned you before we happened. I should've warned you how easy it is for me to shut myself out from the world. Don't you get it, Tyler? There doesn't have to be a reason. My mind just has a way of creating... creating..." I struggle to find a better word than the word 'walls'.

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