this ain't a chapter, it's a goddamn author's note

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Dear frens,

I don't know if any of you remember me or this story.

I'm writing this because I feel like I owe everyone an explanation.

I have no other excuse for not posting other than I haven't been my best and right now I'm stuck in this dark hole again, worse than before. I don't know... I don't want to pile all of my emotions onto you. My mind has been really mean and dry lately and I haven't been able to pull anything nice out of it recently.

However, I just recently began watching The Vampire Diaries and it sparked my inspiration (don't worry, I'm not turning this into a vampire storyline.) and I have just began writing the next chapter and I'm really excited for everyone to read it :)

so yeah, that's all. Just wanted to let everyone know this story is still a thing and I don't plan on cancelling it any time soon.

With that being said, the midway point of this fanfic is coming up and because of that I want to do something fun. I wanted to do a character q&a type thing, idk maybe that's dumb, but I thought I'd give it a try. So, if you have any questions for ANY of the characters in this book, go ahead and comment them right here and "I will get the characters together in one room and they will be answering your questions in a written interview". Idk omfg I will do it if I get enough questions, ask however many you want.

Also if you leave me a message and I do not answer, I am NOT ignoring you and I DONT HATE YOU, It's hard to get back to all of them quickly because I get a lot of messages everyday. I'm trying to get back to everyone.

I hope everyone has been good. I love you. If you're looking for a sign to stay or not hurt yourself then this is it. I need you here, I love you.

Tyler and Josh want you safe.

Stay alive |-/

Sincerely, a very emo girl who is probably screaming right now idk.

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