Chapter Seven

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"Dreams." I told Tyler. We are both laying in his car, with our car seats pushed all the way down, at sonic waiting for our dinner to arrive. It's not the most gourmet, I don't mind though, I just wanna be with him. "I wanna talk about dreams."

Tyler looks at me and smiles, "alright. Did you dream last night?" Tyler asks, fulfilling his roll in being an amazing conversation holder.

I frown, "no." I sigh, turning on my side to face Tyler, he is laying on his back with his hands behind his head. I tuck my hands underneath the side of my face. "Or, at least... that's what I think. People tell me there is no such thing as a dreamless night, but I beg to differ."

Tyler stares at me with such intent, he could burn a hole straight through my forehead, "what do you think, then?"

"Well, maybe I just would like to think that... when I supposedly don't dream, it's my mind dying." I wait for a shocked reaction from Tyler, but he looks at me like he understands so I continue, "you know? Because when you dream... Yes, it's still sleep. So I guess it's still like you're temporarily dead, but you're still thinking subconsciously... Like breathing." I refer to when Tyler and I first met and he compared how our minds make decisions to breathing, "And to be thinking is to be alive. But when I don't dream... when I don't think... It's just peaceful. No false hope. No nightmares. It's a death alternative." I smile at the thought.

Tyler stares at me for a moment, "so... you don't think that it could just be you forgot about the dream the moment you've woke up."

"If that is the case... then, where do the dreams go?" I push my eyebrows together, trying to think. "Because if I did dream. That means I did see it. That means it's somewhere in my mind right now. But where?"

"Where do lost thoughts go?" Tyler whispers.

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm not sure, maybe they're just hiding from us."

"And it's up to us to find them." Tyler smiles.

A girl comes up to Tyler's window, interrupting us, he lifts his seat up and so do I.

The girl smiles, a little too big. She's pretty, prettier than I'll ever be. With her long, blonde flowy hair and big blue eyes. When she makes eye contact with Tyler her face drops, he immediately looks down at his lap and clears his throat.

"Hey, Tyler. Nice seeing you again." She talks with a harsh tone, "not really... who do you have with you? Another one of your victims?" She frowns, looking through his window at me.

My eyes widen, what is she talking about?

Tyler sighs, "how much is it?"

"13 dollars and 50 cents." She purses her lips.

Tyler digs through his pockets for his wallet and takes out the exact change and hands it to her.

"No tip?" She scowls.

Tyler stares at her in disbelief, "nope, no tip."

She laughs, "still cheap, I see."

I am not sure if I should say something, I really do feel like saying something. The way she is treating Tyler isn't the way Tyler deserves to be treated, but my mouth and my mind are never connected and I can't bring myself to it.

"Who's that?" She asks again. I look at her with wide eyes and quirked eyebrows, I tried to look intimidating, but I'm pretty sure I came out looking confused and afraid.

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