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Why are desks at school so uncomfortable?

I slumped back in my chair, mentally groaning to myself. My ass fuckin' hurts.

A buzz from my phone distracted me, from my attempts to get comfortable. I glanced up at the teacher, seeing he had his back turned.

Santa's little helper: hiii i miss youuu

Santa's little helper: im so brod

Santa's little helper: bord

Santa's little helper: bored sorry....

Santa's little helper: did those dots make me look mysterious? (say yes)

Me: yes

Me: you high?

Santa's little helper: i know u are but what am i?

Okay, so that's a yes.

ME: what bathroom are u in??

Santa's little helper: top floor, by the library

Anastasia walked out of the girls bathroom, her eyes widening in shock once she had seen me.

"Oh my gosh!" She slaps her hands against her cheeks, her jaw dropping to the floor.

"What are you doing in the bathroom all day, you need to go to class, or you'll become a super senior." I crossed my arms, and tilted my head to the side, to make myself look more stern.

"Shit yeah, I can't be twenty and in high school." Anastasia shudders, dropping her hands.

"You mean nineteen." I corrected.

"No, I repeated first grade. I'm nineteen right now." How did I never know this? We talk like everyday, not that I cared. But still.

"Does that make you a cougar?" I laughed, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

"Well, I guess." She sighs, looking me up and down. "Guess, I got a thing for golden retriever boys too." Stas leans her head against my chest, walking with me down the halls.

I had no idea where we were going.

"Golden retriever boys?" I raised a brow, in confusion. "Yeah, i'm black cat, and you're golden retriever, who's pretty and I can make nervous whenever I want."


"You can't make me nervous whenever you want." I disagreed, she lifts her head off my chest, looking at me with doe eyes.

"Are you sure about that pretty boy?"


Anastasia bursts out into giggles, scrunching her nose up. I squeezed her into my side, ruffling up some of her hair, she gasps. "Don't touch my hair, you know better."

CORRUPT || T.KTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang