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"Guess who?"

He did this everyday, it's always him.

"Tom, no more." I lifted his hands off my face, closing up my locker. I hadn't been to his house the past couple of days, because of my mom.

It's weird... she's been sufferable, and she made me stay home for a little while to 'hang out'.

I didn't mind it, it was just weird.

I sighed, turning around to face Tom.

I screamed.

He covered my mouth, my body pressing against the locker. My eyes flickered over him.

"Your hair!" I gasped, prying my face away from his grip. "Do you like it?" He smiled, holding onto my fingers, I gulped.

It does look good, really good, but also...

Why did he get rid of the dreads? He was so cute before, and not that he isn't now he looks insanely sexy, but it's not him.

"I like it but..." I paused, he raises a brow.


I waved away the nagging feeling in my chest that something had been off, shaking my head.

"Sorry, never mind. You look incredibly sexy." I complimented, leaning up to give him a kiss.

"Are you sure? You seem..." He looks over my pale finish, dragging down my cheeks. I interlocked our fingers together, sending him a huge smile. "Sorry, I had a bit to drink last night when Jasmine came over." I apologized again.

Jasmine knew about my home life, but we'd been friends for years, and my mom loved her.

His lips perked up in return, pulling something out of his pocket. "Bandana or no bandana?" He ties it around his head, he does look hot.

Different but hot.

I'll never get over the inner cutie though.

"Bandana." I teasingly winked, with a nod.

Thank god for study hall.

"What time are we all meeting up?" Nikolai looked to everyone, searching for an answer.

"It turns out I can't come, i'm grounded." Jasmine winces, raising a hand in the air. I gave her a look, she doesn't get grounded?


"Done pissed me off." Nikolai nudges away from her, he then traded glances with us.

Things with the boys were fine I guess, they apologized for overstepping their boundaries. Usually, I am one to hold a grudge.

But I let it go.

Bill looked over at Jasmine, a creeping suspicion snuck up on me. "Sorry, i'm not feeling a party." He apologizes.

"I don't want to go either." I added on.

Georg, Gustav, and Trent decided they were all going, including Nikolai.

"Why don't you go with them?" I whispered to Tom, his eyes narrowed to me as if I was crazy. "No." He shakes his head, baffled.

"Come on, have some fun with your friends, I trust you. Just... don't drink too much." I advised, brushing my thumb against his cheek.

He sighed. "Fine."

"Okay, if he's going i'll go too." Bill said, leaning back into his beanbag chair. "Fine then." Jasmine gritted, crossing her legs.

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