Can we get in?

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This morning is a hell of my own making.

Yes, I lied about putting off sleeping pills... Yes, I took them with me on our trip... and yes, they were confiscated, by no one other than my partner. And they were confiscated before I had the chance to even take one.

So, in conclusion, I slept like crap.

But... oh well, I deserved it.

What I don't deserve however, is being dragged around the house for no apparent reason, instead of being left alone to relax in bed.

This guy... "Can you please just let me lie down..?!"

"It's not my fault you're addicted to those pills," he says, as he holds my arm, trying to make us something for breakfast. It's literally making the entire situation harder for the both of us. What even is this meant to accomplish?

With the very last crumbs of energy I have in me, I yank my arm out of his grasp and turn around, collapsing on the couch. Thank lord the distance between the living room and the kitchen is so tiny, I don't even have to step forwards...

I groan. "Okay, sorry. But let me be..."

A few moments later, I hear glass being put down on the coffee table next to the couch, but I'm way too lazy to twist my head a little bit to look to my side. Instead, he pulls me upwards, but honestly, I don't even have it in me to sit up anymore, so I just rest my head on his shoulder.

I do open my eyes though. There's tea and some sandwiches on the table. ...Mmm, canned lettuce... Ugh...

"I'll let you take half a pill tonight, but only if you behave," he whispers, patting my shoulder.

...I guess his bribe works. I rub my eyes and hunch forward to smell the food. Well, guess what, that's not hard because he's pretty much smearing one of the sandwich all over my face to hand-feed me. ...I take a bite.

My head hurts so much. "Eh... let's take a bath later."

"...Let's... as in ...let us?" He seems surprised.

What a dumbass. "Duh. Someone has to make sure I don't fall asleep in there."

I roll my eyes.

"M-M-M-M-M-M-May I undress you?!"

"Woah, hola! Not now!"

I hate him so much.

So much.

...And moments later, here we are. In the bathroom. In the bright, sunlit, white-tiled bathroom. The hot water is already pouring into the clean tub... It's so hot, in fact, that it's steaming. I'm going to boil if I step into it.

Great. "Yeah, now you may."

He starts happily fiddling with the bottom of my T-shirt. Lord, I feel so awkward...

...Why do I care so much? It's not like he hasn't seen me naked...

Well, he hasn't. Back when we took a shower together, it was dark. And yesterday evening... well, we weren't fully naked. And it was dark too.

And that one time he made out with my chest, it was dark too.

But, oh well, there has to be a first time for everything... Besides, he probably doesn't think I'm unattractive.

Keyword: probably.

"H-Hold on... can you undress first-"

...I pause upon seeing his face. He looks and is panting like a horny dog. ...That definitely proves he doesn't think I'm unattractive.

But man, he looks so ugly. "What the hell."

"What's up?"

"Stop making that face."

"Stop being hot and maybe, just maybe, I will." He winks, before throwing his own clothes on the ground, without a single care in the world.

Hmm. I wouldn't be ashamed either, If I looked like him. With a chest so big you can practically hold it up with your hands, and abs as round as an inflated balloon, I say he's ...not bad. A little pale, but I'll allow it.

And now that his pants are down, I get to witness a real feast for the eyes.

Despite the fact that I already had his dick in my mouth, I didn't have the occasion yet to get a load of its every detail, vein and it's general length.

And guess what: he's hard.

I slowly roll my eyes in a different direction. I guess it's going to be my turn to take my clothes off now... And so I put my glasses away, and pull my shirt off in one swift movement, trying not to overthink it.

He's just staring at me and observing me like the neanderthal he is. He wanted to undress me himself, but apparently he's too braindead to continue to do so, and therefore I just take my clothes off by myself.

I sigh. "Can we get in?"

He's already standing in the tub, waiting for me to step in.

I tumble inside and sit down immediately, burning my feet and bottom and groin and everything that got submerged in the water, and rest my head on my knees.

"Turn around, I'll scrub your back," he offers, sitting down as well. He doesn't seem as bothered by the boiling hot water, though.

I sigh, and wiggle around in the narrow tub to positon myself so my back is facing him. Then, I just slide into his arms and rest on his chest, waiting for him to give me a massage or something. Oh I don't know...

"I can't reach your back this way though."

I turned my face to him and nuzzled his neck, in a really weird position for my own. "You don't have to. Just... let me..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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