Rewrite the stars

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Noah POV

You have always been like a son to me, Noah, just as Elle has always been like a daughter to your mother. I have watched you grow from your first day of life to becoming a young man. I know you probably thought I was asleep when you told me you loved my daughter. I just want to tell you that it's a secret that you've been very bad at hiding. The way you continually seem to want to watch over her tells my mother's heart that you've had these feelings for a long time.

I understand that you had some apprehensions about Lee and the famous rule number 9. But, my mother's instinct has told me since the first day of Elle's life that you and she were made one for the other. I know that you will feel inadequate for her love, but know that this is normal in a relationship. And promise me you'll never let anything or anyone separate you. Write your own story in the stars knowing that I will experience this day with you from up there!

With all my love!


In all honesty, I had a lot of difficulty sleeping that night. Elle and I experienced a lot of emotion reading the letters that Joni wrote to us yesterday at Hollywood Letters. Elle was surprised to know that her mother knew we were going to end up together, I had never told her that Joni had been my confidante for several years. It was easier to talk about my difficulties at high school with her rather than with my parents. She reminded me that I was not who others said I was. That I shouldn't let others define me. And one day when she was sleeping when I arrived, I told her that I loved Elle. I explained to her that I was suffering from the fact that I would probably never be able to be with her because of rule number nine. That I was incapable of being with anyone else because I only thought about her! I didn't think she heard me but when I read the letter yesterday I knew, she knew! I wish she was here today! That she can tell her daughter that she is proud of her! It was the reality of his departure that hit me this morning!

The morning seemed so long, my mother had left with Elle to prepare for the wedding. Chloe, Rebecca and Abby also joined her this morning in a hotel suite to get ready together. I was sitting on the patio of my parents' house with Chris, Greg and Lee having breakfast.
- And dude, not too nervous?" Greg asked me, patting me on the back.
- No, I just can't wait to get it done. I have dreamed of this moment for so long that I am at peace. And I was so afraid that it would never happen at this same moment last year. I just can't wait to thumb my nose at destiny, rewrite our stars.
- It's true that you had your up and down moments. I think if I had been asked in high school who I never thought would marry at 20, I probably would have mentioned my brother." Lee said with a tone of sincerity that I haven't often heard in his voice when it concerns me. "Finally, he fell in love with an extraordinary girl who completely transformed him. A year ago, I watched Noah let go of the girl of his dreams which resulted in one broken heart and then two. I experienced the same situation in the opposite position and I know how bad it is. I was jealous of my brother because his relationship was restored while mine remained broken. But I have seen through this year how much he has changed. He made the choice to believe Elle, ask for forgiveness and forgive and that made all the difference. I wanted to tell you, Noah, that you inspire me. And I have to say, when the right girl comes along, I hope to emulate you. Even though I fought for so long for this day to never come, I am so happy to be able to share this day with you and Elle. I really wish you to be happy!
- Wow!" the other guys say.

For my part, I was completely stunned. I never thought Lee had such an opinion of me. Seems like the whole rule number nine thing had kept us away. Now we can be something else.

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