Chapter: Agony

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The dampness was leaving a strong stench that was suffocating the man as the two walked down the steps.

Even though Jay was the one with the light source, the woman before him seemed to have memorized her way around the dark catacombs.

She hadn't uttered a single word since they had walked down the stairs hidden in the storage section of the castle.

"This place could use some rework but what exactly is this place?" He asked.

"Somewhere that only Kael and I ever venture into. It's not a pleasant sight."

"That's very reassuring."

"Forgive me. I know this seems very suspicious of me but this is something I share with you."

"Why me?"

They stopped at a strange location, something that seemed like it didn't belong where it was. They were met with a stone mossy wall, built entirely out of boulders and fungus. It was as if the wall hasn't been touched in ages but Aphra's next move made it seem like she's been playing around with it for ages.

She grabbed a smaller rock wedged in the wall then ripped it off, leaving a hole behind, she slipped her hand through it then tugged something. The mechanism made the wall sink down in a quiet but rumbling slide until it disappeared into the floor.

"Because the most difficult people in the world are the ones who deny truth. Among them, you seem unbothered by it."

"That depends on what type of truth you're referring to."

"You will see."

They walk into the darkness, the light in Jay's hand barely felt it like made a difference as they went, so he relied on Aphra's guidance. He figured out that due to her aquatic heritage, she had better vision in the dark.

After a long while of walking, they happened upon a dome shaped room. Or at least that's what the man picked up from their location.

Aphra then took the torch from his hand and threw it up to the ceiling, where it shattered and seemingly lit a gem that shone far brighter.

The room lit before them and what they saw was a black stoned room, the walls were carved and shaped to look like it were a room. But what caught the man's attention were the walls themselves. There were paintings, tapestries and glyphs of the like.

He couldn't really make them out due to how worn out and shaded they were, eroded with time.

"What is this place?"

"Unlike the recorded past of our lands in the castle's main data bank, there's one course of history that's never been found or even heard of, except for Kael and I. This is where it is kept, hidden from our people..."




"It was once believed that this island wasn't even an island. Father, in his prime, crushed a mountain into a flat surface and called it home." Kael whispered as he and Gura stand at a balcony.

This balcony was not anything ordinary, it was a stage of sort where the royal family would step out and greet their people, but on this quiet night, it was treated as a seating area for said family.

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