The New Member

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Chapter 26 - The New Member


You call out urgently, halting him in his tracks as he prepares to join the dangerous mission ahead.

Wendy and Carla also stop showing their concerns, but you focus solely on Ryden, your brow furrowing with worry.

"Ryden, I'll send a clone in your place," You offer, hoping to dissuade him from risking his safety. "You and Wendy should make your way somewhere safe."

"No, I want to help." Ryden's determination shines through as he instantly denies your suggestion, his eyes reflecting the same determination that you've seen in your own countless times.

You purse your lips, "Ryden, it's too dangerous," You counter, your voice tinged with concern. "I promised to keep you safe. I've been failing at that all day."

"I'm not a baby anymore," Ryden retorts, his tone firm and unwavering. "I can handle myself. I want to prove that I'm worthy of being a member of Fairy Tail."

You sigh, grappling with conflicting emotions. You want to shield him from harm, but you also recognize the importance of allowing him to grow and assert his independence.

"You are a baby, you're my baby." You concede.

"Mom!" He shouted embarrassed but you continued, your voice gentle. "I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

Ryden's expression softens as he reaches out to grasp your hand. "I'll be careful, I promise." He reassures you, his gaze filled with sincerity.

Reluctantly, you nod, that mental timer in your head ticking away, you can't argue anymore. Knowing that you can't hold him forever, you back off.

"Alright," A sense of pride swelling within you as you look at him once again in worry. "But please, Ryden, be careful out there." You plead.

He nods in understanding and you turn your attention to Wendy and Carla and you issue a stern warning, your voice laced with the same concern as you had for your son.

"You two as well," You say firmly, your gaze piercing as you address them. "I'll be furious if anything happens to either of you."

Carla huffs in response to your words, but Wendy's smile reassures you of her determination to see the mission through.

"Right! We'll be safe too!" Wendy confirms, her voice filled with determination.

The three run off leaving you to make your way to your own destination, though before you leave you cross your arms and peer at the man that was watching you.

"What the hell are you doing here? Make your way to your lacrima." You snap, glaring behind you to face Jellal.

Jellal's expression remains calm as he explains his presence, "Are you capable of taking my task and destroying Lacrima eight in my stead?"

You bristle at his request, "I'm more than capable." You hiss.

"But why the hell would I do that? I've heard a lot about you, and none of it's good," You retort, your tone sharp with distrust. "You think I can trust you to not do something foolish?" You press further.

Unfazed, Jellal meets your gaze evenly. "You don't have to trust me," He admits, his voice steady. "But if you don't, it won't be done."

Your jaw tightens as you weigh his words, frustration clouding your thoughts. What would he be capable of doing? What's his reason at all to leave his task?

You were tempted to read his mind but with time counting down, you give a reluctant nod. "Fine," You concede once again, your voice clipped. "Don't make me regret this or I'll make sure you do."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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