18: Guilt

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Out of all of our territories, Anil had sustained the least amount of damage. I did not know if it was because of Xian and Rhys's efforts, or if Acantha just hadn't deemed it worth the effort to target. There was minor damage, a few older buildings toppled, and structural damage on the coastlines where the water had surged.

Still, in the entire territory- there were only three casualties.

And not that I didn't care, but I was pissed that Xian had requested me here today. Leur was finally back in the Night Court today, training the Illyrian women and checking in on Nesta for the first time in weeks. Which meant that I was the only one in charge here, and my time would be better spent in Adhira or Astra- where we were still digging people out of the rubble and trying to locate those who had gone missing.

Then again, we were mostly looking for bodies by now.

Xian's palace was a smaller building, built on top of a rocky cliff overlooking a churning deep sea. The chilled air smelled of salt, the coastline dotted with the same boats that were always in the water here. Under a cloudy sky, the reddish gold sandstone of the palace didn't glitter like it normally did.

As I walked through the doors, I realized that I still was not used to people bowing for me. I wasn't sure if I would ever be.

Things like that were normal for Leur. Not that she was spoiled or anything, but more so that it had just been an average thing for her throughout her life. For me, a bow was something I did, never received.

In a meeting room overlooking the sea, Xian and Minka were sitting and going over plans for rebuilding Astra. A lot of the materials were to come from the rocky mountains and pine forests just north of Anil, shipped down the coast with Xian's fleets to the western shores of Astra. As I walked in the doorway, they both stood and bowed.

And just like always, I didn't entirely know what to do with myself.

"I didn't expect you to be here today, Minka." I noted, offering them both a tired smile as I took a seat. A servant poured me a cup of black coffee in an elegant white mug.

"I needed to discuss the shipments with Xian so we can get them underway, and I was hoping to get a chance to speak with you as well." The female nodded to me, her red hair coiled in intricate braids around her head.

Braids were a common Ciatnen hairstyle, with each pattern and swirl having different meanings. Minka had shown Leur a few of them, teaching her how to do them and pin them. From my understanding, the ones that Leur typically wore were that of a leader. Minka had all but insisted she wear them.

On Solstice, Leur had tricked Cassian into letting her braid his hair. Apparently, the strange coil she placed it into meant "fool".

He had worn it all day, unknowingly. Minka, who we had visited late that night, or early morning for her, had nearly laughed herself hoarse.

"Of course." I answered her, taking a sip of my coffee before I said, "What did you need, Xian?"

The male looked apprehensive, his light brown eyes downcast as he fiddled with the pen in his hand, "I wanted to have this discussion in private," A wary glance at Minka, "But I suppose it will not matter soon."

I just blinked at him.

"I think it is best if I resign from my post as General of Anil."

The room went dead silent. Minka's eyes widened as she snapped her head towards him, servants paused their activity, Xian looked like a kicked puppy.

And me, in the center of all of it, entirely unsure of what to do or say.

"Why?" I managed to ask.

"Le- I'm sorry- the Queen placed Acantha under my supervision. She trusted me to ensure she stayed here. It was my failure that caused the death of thousands, and a threat to loom over our heads." The male breathed.

"We do not hold you accountable." I shook my head, "We already told you that."

"I know, and I am grateful but undeserving." Xian shook his head, "Those were my men who let her escape, who covered all of it up. I should be held responsible. I will train whoever you deem as my replacement, but I do not believe that I should be in charge of this territory when I have not only failed them, but all of Solarea."

This was the kind of decision that both Leur and I should make, but it was the first day she had done something for herself in so long. The last thing I wanted to do was pull her away, and I was certain she would not mind me handling this on my own. She had told me thousands of times that I was not only allowed to make decisions like this on my own, but more than welcome to.

You are the King of Solarea. She'd say, Your order holds.

So, I took a deep breath and stared at Xian. I considered what he had said, what the options were, the morality of it all, and then I gave him an answer.


The male's eyes widened, and he blinked at me, "What?"

"I do not accept your resignation." I said simply, "What's the next matter of business?"

He opened his mouth, "But-"

I cut him off, "You will not be punished for another man's decisions, and you will not step down from your position when we need you most. End of discussion."

And the order held.

"Like I said," I turned to Minka, "What's the next order of business?"

The female looked like she didn't entirely know what to do, glancing between Xian and I. She shook her head, as if she was clearing away what had just happened.

"I wanted to know if I could be involved in the efforts to locate Acantha."

I took a sharp inhale, "You could, but the issue is that we have reason to believe Acantha is not working alone. I will have to clear this with the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court before I give you a definite answer."

Minka nodded, "So, she is not just after us."

"It's unclear what their main goal is at the time, but it's safe to assume that's the case." I answered, "Can I ask why you'd like to be involved and who you'd have watching over Astra in your absence?"

Please, for the love of everything good and holy, do not give us one more thing to do. My mate hasn't slept in over two days.

"One of my Sergeants, Lark, is already spearheading relief and rebuilding efforts in the southern regions. And my other, Janus, could work in the north. They would still report to me and the council primarily." She explained.

Thank fuck.

I nodded at her before she continued, "I may work for the Solarean government, but I am Ciatnen at heart. And Acantha has committed some... heinous acts against my people in her time. Not to mention, she will be after me to take Astra back. It may sound petty, but I'd like a hand in taking her down."

I sighed, finishing off my coffee. The comm crystal in my pocket buzzed, soft orange light emitting from it, meaning that Lucien was calling for me.

"I will speak to my mate and the High Lord and get back to you." I said, standing and preparing to leave. My wings appeared at my back, swirling with black shadows as I walked towards the open balcony.

"I would also like to mention that I have a Ciatnen tactical unit who is highly skilled in tracking." Minka interrupted, causing me to stop and turn to her, "We used to... track Cylos and Leur back in the day."

A smile spread across my face, "And did you ever find them?"

Minka couldn't contain her matching smile, "Cylos, yes. But Leur? Never."

That's my mate for you.

"I figured." I shrugged, throwing one last smirk over my shoulder before leaping off the ledge and into the air.

And I could have sworn there was an echo of laughter down the bond.

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