27: Miscalculation

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It was interesting to watch Hunter and Cyrene work.

No shadows, no spells to hide them, no- they relied solely on just old fashioned sneaking around.

They were better than I thought they'd be.

It was an older estate, one that had not been used for some time. In the heart of the middle-aged queen's territory, an archipelago situated towards the south of the continent, stretching into the seas. For a woman who seemed to permanently wear a scowl on her face, her territory was absurdly beautiful.

Cities of white stone built into the sides of cliffs, ancient architecture, shimmering turquoise seas turned into a deep navy by the moonlight. Atop one of the mountain peaks, a beautiful ancient chateau looked out over the ocean.

And me and Minka, surrounded by shadows and hidden in a cove of olive trees, watching as Hunter and Cyrene took note of the estate.

Deidamia, the middle-aged queen, was residing here after she fled from Briallyn in their palace in the east. At the meetings, she had been wearing black. Jet black hair, a slightly wrinkled face, eyes as grey as granite, a familiar ring on her finger. The symbol of the mortal queens, the one that Rhys had theorized gave them the ability to winnow.

I had eyes on Briallyn at all times. There was not a second that passed where an entire force of my spies was not deployed, watching that unmoving palace. No one had gone in or out, no lights shone through the windows at night, no signs of a glamor, and no sign that anyone or anything was living beyond those wards. We had seen it ourselves, just to ensure that if Acantha was there or made an appearance- she would be cornered within seconds.

Koshcei's lake had also proven to be a dead end regarding her whereabouts, but I had spies stationed there as well just in case.

With no other leads, I had sent Lucien to speak with Vassa to determine if any other mortal queen might be sheltering her and where they could be. Luckily, the firebird had been able to provide us with an entire list of potential locations. Yet, she had said that this was the most likely spot.

She had also warned us to be careful. Apparently, every square inch of this place was littered with all kinds of fun surprises to keep the fae out.

"I don't think she is here." Minka whispered over to me.

I spared her a glance, taking my eyes off of Cyrene and Hunter, "What makes you say that?"

"It's more a feeling than anything else." The General sighed, "Not to mention, Acantha hates the ocean, hates fish. She actively avoids it."

Something told me that fact had a lot to do with why my mate had chosen to imprison her in Anil.

Such a wicked thing, my little star.

"I don't think hating fish matters much when she knows damn well that we're looking for her." I said.

"She's a narcissist. She won't perceive us as threats." Minka breathed, "I'd be willing to bed that she won't view Leur as one either."

"She was smart enough to know not to show up in Solarea after the attack." I countered.

She'd have to be ridiculously stupid not to see my mate as a threat.

"Bad news." Hunter winnowed into my shield, slipping behind my veil of shadow.

Minka rubbed the bridge of her nose, "What now?"

Cyrene appeared a moment later, slightly out of breath, "There's glamours and wards on all of the windows. I tried to break them but-"

"They're strong, and old as hell." Hunter finished for his mate, "Breaking them would at minimum alert the guards."

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