38: Deception

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"The Middle is an absolute shithole. Especially the Bog of Oorid." Rhys let out a breath, knocking back a glass of whiskey like it was his job.

"It's not like we have another choice other than going to get the Mask." Cassian said.

We were sitting in Rhys's office, me and Cassian occupying the chairs in front of his desk. And perched on the side of it, sharpening a simple silver dagger, Leur was clearly and obviously pissed off.

"Obviously." Rhys rubbed his temples.

"What's so bad about this place?" I looked between them, at the grave look in their eyes, "I mean, its just a bog."

"Oorid was once a sacred place, a burial ground for highly respected warriors." Leur explained, looking up from her knife, "But it was corrupted a long time ago, filled with the kind of darkness that no one will venture into anymore unless they're batshit crazy- like us, or just pure evil."

"The creatures that live in the bog swim through the underground waterways that flow Under the Mountain, all through the Middle." Rhys said, "Dark beings."

"Great." I said, ignoring the chill going up my spine, "Should I try to scry again with a more detailed map of the Middle?"

If it was bad enough there to put that look on Rhys and Leur's faces, of all people in the world, I didn't entirely want to play a game of hide and seek.

"It's forbidden to map the Middle beyond vague landmarks." Leur said, "Every other map will just have the same thing. The Bog, the woods, the Mountain- the things that are obvious from land and air. Everything else, the kind of thing you'd need to discover on foot, that's off the table."

"Who came up with that stupid ass rule?" I frowned.

"An ancient council of High Lords." Rhys twirled a pen in his hand as he spoke, "The Middle is said to be the place where the wild magic still thrives and lives. It's its own entity, and not something that anyone really wants to piss off by revealing its secrets."

I would have asked more, but I had decided I really didn't want to know. Luckily, Rhys looked between Cassian and I as he spoke, "You go to the Middle, you need to be armed."

"To the teeth." Cassian nodded.

"Fine. Go." Rhys conceded, "But Leur has to come with you."

"I figured she was coming anyways." Cassian furrowed his brows.

Leur looked up from her knife, "Thanks for asking me, guys."

"Were you not planning on going?" Cassian blinked at her.

"Of course, I was." She frowned, feigning anger, "But it would be nice to be asked."

Rhys just shook his head, but Cassian indulged her, a polite smile thrown onto his face and his voice as saccharine-sweet as he could force it, "Leur, would you please accompany Nesta and I to the Bog of Oorid?"

Leur smiled brightly, "Why yes, thank you for asking."

Her brother just laughed, leaning back in his chair.

"We'll leave in a few hours." I said.

Cassian glanced over to me, that mirth gone from his eyes, "You need time to prepare-"

I did not need time to think this through or to get into my head about whatever hell we'd be facing. I wanted the Mask in our possession before Briallyn or Acantha could find it, and I wanted this over and done with.

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