44: Ready

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I was on my own.

For the first time since I agreed to help Cassian train these women, I was on my own. Leur was off in the other field, training the more advanced groups, while I worked with the newer groups. Leading them through warm ups, currently an absurdly long set of sit ups while I tried to figure out what to do with them next.

"Push-ups!" I called out, watching as they all switched gears.

Normally, I would have been mildly annoyed at Cassian for putting me in this situation. However, Leur had shown up at the House of Wind this morning and essentially told him that she'd kill him if he and Devlon didn't speak to each other soon.

I think that she just wanted something that she could fix, and it seemed that Cassian knew that too.

So, here we were.

I didn't entirely expect it to go well.

"Nesta." Someone pulled me from my thoughts, catching my attention.

Emerie was standing there, a shy looking female standing next to her. She was shorter, her straight black hair tied tight in a knot atop her head, pure green eyes looking back at me shyly. I didn't recognize her, but I did recognize the bandages on her wings.

Ones that I had seen Majda place on Cassian before, ones I had seen the warriors have during the war.

"This is Carla." Emerie said, "She'll be joining us from now on."

That was the female that Leur had saved, the one who had been clipped.

"Nice to meet you." I said, offering the girl a smile and an outstretched hand, "I'm Nesta."

She gave me a wary smile, "Am I... am I required to bow for you?"

I couldn't help the laugh that left my mouth as I shook my head, "You aren't required to bow for anyone."

"She was hoping to get a chance to speak with the Princess." Emerie spoke up.

I nodded at the females, "I am sure Leur will be over in a bit."

"I just want the chance to thank her, for what she did for me." Carla said, eyes darting around nervously.

Sometimes, it was easy for me to forget that the people I spoke to on a daily basis were these people's rulers. High positions in the Court, the High Lord and High Lady, the General, the Princess. All of the things I knew of occurred behind closed doors, secret from the others in the Court.

And maybe this was the first time I had ever truly noticed that I was a part of it. That Inner Circle.

I mean, hell, this poor girl thought she had to bow for me.

"She'll be excited to speak with you." I smiled at her, "Do you see that group over there?"

I pointed over to the newest group, working on footwork with one of the women who had been training a while. Carla nodded to me as I continued, "Go ahead and join them. The group leader's name is Idola, she'll get you all caught up."

"Thank you." Carla smiled at me, heading that way.

I was watching her walk over when Emerie spoke again, "She's really nervous."

"She'll be alright." I said, "I didn't realize Majda had repaired her wings already."

"She can't fly for a while yet, but they're going to be just fine. Probably wouldn't have been if Leur had showed up a few moments later." Emerie breathed.

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