Chapter 5

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A whole hour later after Lisa has won my mom over and graced everyone with her dance floor presence, I'm finally on my way upstairs in Lisa's arms. My heels have been kicked off and Lisa is holding them as she takes the staircase. My heavy head feels like lead against her shoulder and my eyes won't stay open. I hear my heels tumble to the floor and a few moments later, I'm placed on my feet.

My forehead falls straight to her neck. 'We need to consummate our vows. ' I mumble, rolling my head and drawing her scent into me. It's the most soothing smell in the world.

She laughs lightly. 'Baby, you're too tired. We'll consummate in the morning.' She clasps the back of my neck and pulls me out of her chest so she can look at me. I try my hardest to open my eyes fully, but it's just too much like hard work.

'I know.' I try to push my forehead back, but she holds me firmly in place, scanning my face—every square inch of it. 'What?' I ask quietly.

'Tell me you love me.' she demands.

I don't falter in the slightest. 'I love you. '

'Tell me...'

'I need you. ' I interrupt her. I know the drill.

She smiles thoughtfully. 'You'll never know how happy that makes me. '

'I do know. ' I correct her. I know very well because I feel exactly the same. She dips and kisses me lightly. 'I want you naked and spread all over me. Let me get this dress off. ' She turns me around and starts unbuttoning the dozens of tiny pearls running down my spine. 'What's happening with your brother and Jennie?' she asks.

The question immediately snaps my sleepy eyes open. That's a damn fine question. Nothing, I hope, but I won't hold my breath. 'I don't know. ' I'm being honest. I really don't. I won't be telling Lisa about what I discovered in the toilets.

'Either you've learnt to control your bad habit, or you're telling me the truth.' She pushes my dress from my shoulders and takes it down to my feet so I can step out of it.

'I'm telling the truth.' I say, turning to face her. She straightens herself up and walks over to the door to hang my dress. 'I think seeing each other has sparked memories, that's all. '

'Memories?' she asks, making her way back to me.

I'm turned around again so she can access my bodice. 'They were bad for each other.' I say. 'You know Jennie, and Jimin isn't the most tolerant man on the planet. They clashed terribly. It was best for them both when Jimin left. '

'But now he's back. '

'Yes, but he'll be gone soon. What about Jennie and Jisoo?' That's another disaster waiting to happen.

'I've told you, that's none of our business. '

'But she's a member of The Manor. ' I sound accusing, which is fine because I am. 'Why did you allow that?'

'It's not my job to ask potential members why they want to join. I check for criminal records, medical issues, and financials. If they can pay, they're clean, and have no serious offenses, then they're in.'

I scowl at thin air in front of me. 'Members could screw anything between visits to The Manor and catch something, or be arrested for violence. How would you know?'

'Because they're required to undertake monthly tests, and I obtain regular reports. There is no penetrative sex without condoms, and their honesty and disclosure form part of their agreement.' She reaches the final fastener and removes my corset. 'These people are respected members of society, Roseanne. '

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