Chapter 15

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My heart stops beating in my chest and one name springs to mind immediately.


I should feel concerned, but I don't. I feel deadly possessive at the suggestion. A lightning bolt of Lisa's famous attribute flies through me, leaving me dropping everything in my arms to the floor and tearing the malicious warning up slowly. Who the hell does she think she is? A fuck, that's what she was, nothing more than a convenient fuck. Has she been in touch with Lisa again? Should I ask her and prick her curiosity, because I don't want her to know about this. I don't want anything tipping her over the edge. I can deal with empty threats. Leave her, or what? I stuff the dead flowers in a bin over the road, along with the card, and make my way to the car park. The desperate urge to be with Lisa has suddenly overwhelmed me.

I come to an abrupt halt when I see the parking space where I left my Mini this morning is empty. No car. I glance up at the board displaying the floor number and note that I'm in the exact right place. So where the hell is my car?

'S'all good, girl.' Vince's low rumble pulls my body around to find him leaning out of the window of his Range Rover. 'In you get.'

'My car's been stolen.' I wave my arm at the empty space and turn back to check that I'm not imagining things.

'It's not been stolen, girl. Get in.'

'What?' I turn startled eyes back to the mountain of a man. 'Where is it, then?'

Vince has a clear look of embarrassment on his mean face. 'Your mother fucking wife had it picked up. ' He nods his head to the passenger side.

'Are you winding me up?' I laugh.

His eyebrows appear over his wraparounds. 'What do you think?' he asks seriously.

I take a deep, calming breath and make my way around to the passenger side and climb in. Yes, she needs me all right. She needs me to drive me fucking crazy! 'I might strangle her.' I mutter, yanking my seatbelt around and clipping it in place.

'Take it easy on her, girl. ' Vince commences strumming on the steering wheel as he drives out of the car park, back into the daylight.

'Vince,' I start in a matter-of-fact tone. 'I like you, I really do, but unless you can enlighten me on an acceptable reason for my wife's neurotic ways, then I won't be taking any notice of your request to take it easy on her.'

He laughs a deep, rolling belly laugh. 'I like you, too, girl. ' he chuckles, reaching under his glasses and wiping under his eyes. I've never seen this big, menacing beast so vivacious. It makes me smile, thoughts of challenging spouses and threatening notes soon making way for the giggles. But then Vince's face straightens all too quickly, and I'm left laughing alone with wraparounds pointed at me. The sudden change in his expression snaps me right from my hysterical state. 'She might get worse. I believe congratulations are in order.' His face dips, an indication that he's looking at my stomach, before he returns to face the road.

'She's told you?' I ask disbelievingly. I don't want anyone to know yet. It's way too soon.

'Girl, she didn't need to. '

'She didn't?'

'No, when I found Harrods baby department on the screen of her computer, it kind of let the cat out the bag. That and the smile on the mother fucker's face all day.'

I sink into my seat. I can imagine she's got Zoe sourcing all sorts of luxurious baby equipment. I can also imagine her face when Lisa hits her with her latest shopping list, when it's just a few short weeks since she met me and set me up with a stunning gown for the anniversary dinner. And just a few short weeks after that, she's searching for my wedding dress, and then not long later, she's finding our baby's christening gown. What must she be thinking? Shot-gun, that's what. A rush job because Lisa's knocked me up, just like everyone else will probably think, including my parents and Jimin. How long can I hold out before I tell them?

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