Chapter 20

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I shrink back on my stool and drop her chin, and for the millionth time in one day, I can't form any words. Nothing. Absolutely zero inspiration is coming to me. I'm more shocked now than at any other point during this long day.

Lisa smiles mildly. 'My spirited girl is speechless. '

I am. Well and truly floored, in fact. You would think I'd be used to shock and surprise from this woman, but no, she gets me every fucking time.

Reaching up, she strokes my cheek gently and slides her hand onto my neck, circling her thumb on my throat softly. 'Have a bath with me.' she says quietly, rising from the stool and pulling me up. 'I need to be with you. '

I'm lifted up to her body, my arms sliding around her shoulders and my legs finding their favorite place as she walks us upstairs. It takes no thought or any mental encouragement for my lips to find her neck and kiss her. Just kiss her and smell her and feel her, all of her comforting me deeply. I'm not going to press her for information. She could've easily used our recent news as the reason for her shock and I would have believed her, but she didn't. She's shared something, a part of herself. She's confessed that she was a twin, not that she is a twin. And now her wife is pregnant with twins, and it has clearly unearthed something from deep within her.

She places me on the vanity unit in the bathroom and sets about her usual bath time routine of testing the temperature, pouring in the bath soak and swishing to instigate some bubbles. She collects the towels, arranges the toiletries by the side of the tub, and then returns to me once she's done and the bath is full. She reaches to pull my vest up, resting her lips on mine as she does, and we fall straight into a slow massaging of each other's tongues as she works my clothing, only pulling away briefly to get my vest past my face before we find ourselves again and continue with our sweet, lingering kiss. It's a special kiss. A really special one, and I delay pulling off her shirt, just so I don't have to leave her lips. This kiss is not leading to an intense love making session. This kiss is leading to her sharing something painful. Right now, when she's pouring her love into me through our kiss, is her way of finding the strength to tell me her story. It's her way of ensuring that I'm real before she off loads a past of pain.

My hands start unbuttoning her shirt and find their way under it, to the rippling waves of her stomach. 'Take it off. ' she says between our mouths. 'Please, take away everything between us. '

Her request makes me falter slightly, but when her lips press a little harder, I find my flow again. That wasn't just a plea to remove her clothes. I work fast. The urgency to get her bare skin on mine is very quickly my top priority, so I drop her mouth and take her shirt and bra off, then start on her jeans, pushing them down her legs so she can kick them off. I'm pulled down from the unit, my pants are removed and my lace panties are drawn down my thighs. I don't miss the quick check for blood. There is none. Our babies are okay. I'm lifted to her, my hands sliding straight into her hair and my lips falling straight to her mouth as she steps into the bath with me wrapped around her and lowers to her knees.

'Is the water okay?' she mumbles as I settle on her thighs.

'Fine,' I press my body into hers, my breasts flattening against hers, my elbows resting on her shoulders while my hands roam all over her hair and my lips work relentlessly but softly.

'Always fine,' she whispers.

'Always perfect if I have you,'

'You have me,' Her fingers thread through my hair and grip before she pulls me back. I'm breathing all over her face. 'You do know that, don't you?'

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