More Than Acting? (Mechigerro)

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Mercedes' P.O.V:

"Okay! Mechi and Rugg!! Time to shoot your Fedemila scene!" Martin yelled as I was just pitting the final touched of Ludmila's make-up. (A/N: This is Violetta 2)

"Almost ready!" I yelled back.

I looked at the mirror and smiled, satisfied of my work. I walked out of the dressing room to the set. Rutgers was already standing their. We were shooting Fedemila's first kiss. Which is really hard for me. I really like Rugg, but he doesn't feel the same way. I just know it.

*At The End Of The Scene*

"That's okay. Because I like you. I like you a lot." Fede/Rugg told me/Ludmila.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. My stomach was filled with butterflies in this moment. I kept fighting myself not to put my hands around his neck and play with his hair. I fought myself so much. And eventually it worked.

"Aaaaaand... Cut! Real job everybody." Martin yelled.

I quickly pulled away and headed towards Tini.

"Ohhhh... That was so cute!" She teased. She's the only one on set who knows about me liking Ruggeto.

I playfully hit her hand. "Oh hush up! Those Leonetta actions were cute as well!" I teased her back as she blushed.

"I have to go." She said as she went to her dressing room.

She's soooooo into Jorge. Now I have to transform into a matchmaker to get them together! So simple. I went to my dressing room and changed back into my clothes and took off my make-up. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled and Rugg entered smiling as I returned it.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey." I replied.

"I have to tell you something." He said and I nodded. "The Fedemila kiss?" My heart started beating so fast that anyone in this room can hear it. "When it happened, I was actually kissing you, not your character."

"W-What?" I stuttered.

He smiled. "I like you, Mechi." He said coming closer. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I grinned. "I would love to be your girlfriend, Rugg."

And with that, he closed the space between us and smashed his lips against mine.


Aren't Mechigerro just the cutest thing ever? ❤️
I hope you liked it @MayaPenelopeHart!!
A Dietini one-shot for both LeenDabaja and @lifeofthepartyxo up next!!

~Nour ☺️

Violetta One-Shots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin