Drag Me Down (Caxi)

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Maxi's P.O.V:

I was sitting in the park, alone, on my favorite bench, letting my thoughts run around in my brain. Naty isn't what I thought she was like. She cheated on me with Andres! My best friend! I don't know how they had the heart to actually do that. Andres knew how much I loved Naty, but clearly he didn't care. He didn't show his true colors. What a jerk-face.

Coming to think about it, Cami was Andres' girlfriend. She's my best girl-friend. She hasn't been at the Studio for some time. Ever since she heard about the cheating. I'm a little worried about her. I'm the only one who probably understands what she's going through.

I decided to leave the park and head towards Cami's house. I needed to see her. But to my luck it started raining. I decided to run. My car was at the repair shop. Stupid accidents.

I knocked on her house's door as I finally reached it. Moments later, a little heartbroken Cami opened the door. She gasped as saw me. I wouldn't blame her. She quickly pushed me inside her house and closed the door.

"What're you doing here? And why the fuck are you wet?" She asked as she got me a blanket.

I took it from het and wrapped it around my freezing body. "I wanted to come and see you." I simply said.

"That doesn't explain why you're wet." She protested.

"In case you forgot, my car is in the repair shop." I reminded her. Her mouth did the shape of an 'o'. I chuckled and she sat besides me. "I figured side we're both in the same situation, we can help each other out."

"How?" She asked.

"Well, Andres cheated on you with my girlfriend. We were both manipulated and lied to." I explained.

"You know Maxi, you never Drag me down. You're the best friend a person can ever ask for." She said whilst smiling.

"Hey, that's what friends are for, helping each other out." I said and she nodded. "Will it make you feel better if we watch Fast and Furious?" I asked and she smiled.

"Sure. I'll go bring it." She said before leaving the room.

Yuh know, heartbroken or not, friends are the only people you can really count on.


Hope you enjoyed this @Safa_03p!

Start requesting me some couples! I'm all out 😂

~Nour Lee

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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