22|Engagement pt. 1|

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Marry  me Shurisha, please!"

She was still there in his arms, adamant to her decision of not to agree with the marriage. And he was still there holding her in his arms, not ready to leave until he convinces her.
Tomorrow is there engagement and no way he will let the ceremony take place without her concent.

She wants to hate him. Hate him so that she can give a reason to cancel this marriage but that's where she loses the war. She can't hate him. Even if she says or expresses how much she envy him, she can't hate him. She doesn't know why but she just can't. Her feelings are unknown while his are known and he just wants her to realise her worth, her feelings, her importance in his life.
He wants her to know that she isn't just a normal girl in his life. She is his everything. His reason to smile every single day. His reason to breathe. His reason to live. His reason to dream. His reason to believe in love.


The word he degraded a lot before because of his past. The word he hated the most. The word that always bring back the memory he doesn't want to remember. The word which ruined his youth. The word which he thought wasn't worth knowing how much depth it holds. The same word.
She was his reason to believe in the same word. She holds a whole world for him.

She pulled out of his hold. He turned his face in her direction and blinked his eyes asking what happened. Without saying anything, She loosened her hold around him and shifted to sit beside him rather than his lap. Suvansh, whereas diverted his gaze on the front wall adorned with photo frames and wall hangings. Shurisha poured herself a glass of water and gulped down it in one sip.
Both were being extremely awkward to even meet each other's eyes. The silence between them was becoming heavy and unbearable. After a few minutes she rose up from the couch and finally interrupted the silence saying-

"You can leave now. My decision is final, I'll not agree for this marriage"
She pondered, her voice was croaky and groff. Tilting her head she glanced at him but found him sitting there gazing back at her. His eyes were saying something but what?

Turning her gaze away from him she started walking towards the kitchen but before she could take one more step, his hand reached out to tug her back which caused her to land back on the couch, eliciting a shriek from her. Before she could summarise what happened, he made her lay down on the couch and hovered at her,pinning both her hand with his one hand while his other hand cradled her waist giving it a light squeeze, causing a moan escape her.
Her eyes were closed, clenching them tightly. He examined her facial expressions before sighing-

"Get this thing in your brain soon to be Mrs. Suvansh Roy, I'll not leave until you agree for the marriage and you know very well that I've so many ways to make you agree" He declared with his raspy, rough voice. His intoxicating and intimacy was dominating her. His each and every word caused a shiver ran down in her spine. She opened her eyes slowly but then closed them again when she met his darkened siren eyes.

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