I know you from tv (Jihyo)

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"Okay, time for a silly one, mom!" Your daughter announced, snapping photos like crazy. You bit back a grin and did exactly what she said, throwing up a peace sign and pouting at the camera.

"Do you have enough photos now?" You asked your six year old who had decided today that she wanted to be a photographer when she grew up and said she needed to practice first with you.

She shook her head quickly.

"Can you do the thing like they do in the movies where they throw the cap into the air?" She wondered, pretending to do it with an imaginary cap.

"Yes, boss!" You saluted her and did exactly as she wished, taking your cap off and tossing it into the air joyfully.

You had finally achieved one of your dreams today as you graduated college. You were a few years older than a lot of the other people graduating because of the fact you had to take some years out to take care of your child. These past few years had been incredibly challenging for you as you raised your child alone while studying for your degree but it was all worth it in the end, knowing that this qualification will open a lot more doors for you and hopefully will allow you and your daughter to have a better life with more opportunities.

"Do you have all the photos you need now, my little photographer?" You asked and your daughter enthusiastically nodded her head.

She ran to your side to show you the photos she had taken on your phone, going through each one individually. You were sure to compliment every photo she took, pointing out something positive, even on the ones where her fingers covered half of the lens or the image was crooked.

"You did such a great job, baby, I'm so proud of you," you cooed, leaning down so you could wrap her in your arms. She returned the hug immediately and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm so proud of you too, mom, you're a superstar!" She replied and your heart melted at the reminder that somehow in the midst of some very stressful times, you somehow managed to be the mother of the world's sweetest kid.

"Thank you, my sweetheart, that means the world to me," you murmured, squeezing her a bit tighter as your eyes went glassy. This moment was one you knew you would treasure with your daughter but your embrace was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Excuse me?" You heard a woman's voice say and you pulled away from your daughter to see the owner of the voice. With a perfect dark bob and an elegant dress, the woman radiated beauty in a way you had never seen before.

She cleared her throat again before continuing.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like someone to take photos of the both of you?" She asked hesitantly, gesturing to your phone in your hands. You opened your mouth, about to speak but your daughter beat you to it.

"I know you from tv," she babbled excitedly, approaching the woman at top speed before you had a chance to stop her.

"Baby, you might have the wrong person," you said to your child, joining her and gently grabbing her by the wrist. You gave the woman an apologetic smile but she shook her head, waving away your apology with the flick of a hand.

"No, mom, I know this is her," your daughter said indignantly. "She sings my favourite song. It's her! From the big group!"

You still weren't sure who your daughter could be talking about but it made absolutely no sense for this woman, whoever she may be, to attend a university graduation as an idol. And it's not that you were the type of parent who dismissed thing their kids would say, you always were extra sure to validate her feelings and opinions but this was a bit of a stretch.

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