pretty privelege

776 56 26

"So like, how are you prescribing people their meds?" Mark asked, with his toothpaste sudding up in his mouth

"Well...if I use my name they'll search me up in the system and it obviously won't show my license so..." Areum trailed off, avoiding his gaze through the mirror as they got ready for the work day ahead.

"So?" Mark asked, narrowing his eyes at her as she applied her lipgloss

"I furj sinayter" Areum mumbled, barely making out the words. Mark spit out his toothpaste and turned to her properly

"I'm sorry, you what?" He asked, looking at her intently. She let out a sigh, turning to face him.

"I forged Jisoo's signature." She announced clearly, avoiding his gaze again. It's been exactly a week since she had gotten hired by the clinic and by now Mark was fully informed on how the runnings of the clinic work with Areum in charge. He didn't exactly agree with it either.

"Areum that's...that's illegal" Mark said with a serious tone, leaning against the counter and she sighed, meeting his eyes again

"You don't think I know that?" She asked and he scoffed

"If you know then why are you—if anyone finds out then you won't be able to get your license at all" Mark warned, watching her walk away from him. He followed her stride to his room, getting dressed for work with the clothes she had brought over while he did the same

"I just...I didn't mean for it to get like this. Anyway its just a few old people that come asking for meds like its not even a big deal—"

"Yeah, forging a signature and identity theft is not a big deal, okay" Mark sighed, wondering if he was the only one who understood the dangers of what she was doing

"Look Mark...I've got it under control okay. A month and I'll be out after I get my reference" she said, putting her jacket on and turning to see him buttoning up his shirt—horribly at that.

"And at your next job—even for the residency—what if they call and—"

"Mark. It'll be okay. They're...nice" Areum said, sighing as she unbuttoned his uneven shirt

"Don't you even...feel a little bit bad? Isn't this a family clinic?" Mark asked with a slight frown, looking down as she focused on aligning the linen shirt properly

"Of course I feel bad but...Mark some of us don't have famous parents in Canada that have connections to quite literally every single hospital in the world—"

"I told you I could ask them to get you a place, why didn't you just take my offer—"

"Because that's just—I just need to do this by myself" Areum sighed, trying to calm herself down a little

"You're so fucking stubborn sometimes" Mark muttered and she let go of his shirt instantly, rolling her eyes at the fact that Mark could never understand how hard life was for the middle class that didn't have amazing connections in the industry

"Forget it, I'm gonna be late" Areum sighed, glaring at him slightly as she left his bedroom in a hurry with her belongings and ignoring his calls for her to come back. She finally let herself take a deep breath and stop cursing at him the second she reached the subway station, plugging in her earphones and simply trying to forget the argument she had with her best friend.

The walk to the office was the new routine, catching a cup of coffee by the small café on her way over and maybe a pastry as well if she had forgotten to eat breakfast. But today, her routine was starting to seem quite different. Because over the last seven days, Jaemin was not standing at the front of the building holding a cigarette between his fingers. But he was today.

"Hope you're not getting bloods done today" she said, smirking at him as she pushed the door open. He was quick to look up at the sound of her voice, putting out the cigarette instantly before sliding in through the door behind her

"Morning doctor" he greeted with a wide smile, and she swore she could get used to that.

"Morning doctor" she greeted back and he chuckled

"Haven't heard anyone call me that in three months" Jaemin said, tapping the counter of the reception before placing a cup of coffee down for Juri.

"You know, you're sweet when you want to be" Juri hummed, taking the coffee with a quick smile before continuing her paper work assortment

"Which is all the time" Jaemin said, winking at her before turning to Areum who had now put on a white coat for work

"I would have grabbed you one as well but...I didn't know what type of coffee you liked" he smiled and she parted her lips, turning to look at him and Juri who was sipping on the white styrofoam cup

"I can buy my own coffee" she said and he chuckled

"Never said you couldn't" he corrected, watching her tongue poke the inside of her cheek at his words

"Soy milk latte, vanilla syrup" she answered simply with a smile, walking up to the reception to quickly greet Juri as well

"Mr.Choi is scheduled in today, I've set aside 30 minutes for him" Juri said and Areum furrowed her brows

"I only need 15 for bloods so—"

"No, Mr.Choi is one of our regulars so he just needs a check up. It should be in his file" Jaemin corrected quickly and Areum pursed her lips into a thin line, nodding as she took the file from Juri, scanning over it as quick as she could.

"He's in a wheelchair?" She asked, raising her brows as she looked up at Jaemin and he nodded, grazing over at the time displayed on his watch

"And he's very punctual so you should get that ready" he smiled, watching her listen to his orders immediately, turning to the corner where they laid folded up. He watched her struggle for about two minutes, eyes glancing over to Juri who had the same dumbfounded expression as she watched Areum struggle to open up a standard hospital wheelchair

"Here, I got it" Jaemin said as he saw Mr.Choi's car park outside the clinic. Areum moved to the side to let him open up the wheelchair on his own, a lot quicker than she could have done

"So you can buy your own coffee but you can't open up a wheelchair" Jaemin teased as he nodded to the door that she held open for him.

"I never had to...the male nurses usually do it for me" she teased with a smirk on her lips as he returned a wide lopsided grin

"Oh yeah? A classic case of pretty privilege" Jaemin said and she narrowed her eyes at him, bringing her face an inch closer to his

"So you think I'm pretty?" She asked and he chuckled, turning away from her before approaching the car to help the man out

"I think you're gorgeous." He winked, catching her off guard at the sincerity in his tone

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