first time lucky

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"I'm guessing that copy and pasting his research paper didn't work?" Seulgi asked with a chuckle as she sat up on her bed, watching Areum enter her room with brick heavy books in her hand

"I was an idiot for assuming he wouldn't read it—he actually made me read it which is so much worse" Areum chuckled making Seulgi groan at the second hand embarrassment

"I'm sorry he keeps putting you on babysitting duties. I know you wanted to be on that surgery" Seulgi apologised with a small smile and Areum quickly shook her head

"I'd rather be stuck here than in the OR right now anyway. It's a pretty intense surgery" Areum lied, hoping to make Seulgi feel less guilty. The girl on the bed nodded knowingly, reaching towards the books in her hand

"I could help you out. I got an A in my med ethics class" Seulgi suggested and Areum chuckled

"Well it's only two pages but...sure why not" Areum smiled, sitting down by her bed as she took out a pen and a piece of paper

"You're not typing it?" Seulgi asked and Areum shook her head

"He asked for two pages and didn't specify the font so I'll just write really big" Areum chuckled, looking for loopholes regardless

"Like his dick" Seulgi said out of the blue and Areum froze for a second, looking up at the girl before they both burst out into a fit of giggles

"You sure you don't want to leave for the surgery? I can do this on my own for you" Seulgi suggested but Areum quickly shook her head no

"It's fine, you're pretty fun to be around. Kind of like a sister I never had" Areum said with a small smile and Seulgi smiled back as they started digging into the several pages and texts of the medical books. About twenty minutes had passed and the sudden grumbling of Seulgi's stomach alerted Areum that it was time to take a study break and grab a few snacks for them from the vending machine.

"We need a doctor in here!" The shriek of a woman caught her attention quickly as she scanned the floor of a few nurses running into a ward

"Doctor!" The woman shouted out to her and Areum widened her eyes, turning around to see if there was any other higher up behind her

"Fuck right, I'm the doctor" she mumbled, running up to the ward room

"What's going on?" She asked with wide eyes seeing a group of nurses by the bedside of the patient

"Pressure plummeted to 64/22 and he has runs of v-tach that aren't perfusing. CVP is very high" the nurse briefed and Areum panicked slightly as she heard the flatline of the machine behind her

"Give him 10 milligrams of dopamine" she ordered quickly, putting her mind to work

"He's already maxed out. He's Dr. Lee's patient, we paged him but—"

"He's in surgery." Areum sighed, squeezing her eyes shut at the inconvenience

"Do something please!" The woman cried out, grabbing her arms but Areum only shook them off harshly

"Get her out of here, I need to focus! Page Dr. Lee again!" Areum shouted, taking control as the nurses looked to her expectantly

"It's a cardiac tamponade, he'll be dead before he gets here" another nurse said quickly as he looked at the new scan

"We need to do something right now, we have to open him up" another nurse voiced from behind her making her take in shallow breaths

"I-I can't, I've never even seen it done before. I haven't even been in the OR yet! I could kill him!" Areum said quickly, shaking her head as her palms grew sweaty

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