doctor na

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Areum squeezed her eyes shut, face scrunching up with embarrassment as she turned on her heel and speed walked away from him. She needed to get away from this twisted fate. She was going to beg on her knees if she had to in order to switch with Mark for his patient instead. She could totally avoid Na Jaemin—Doctor Na.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second" Jaemin—who she was unsuccessfully avoiding—said quickly, pulling her into a random patient's room that was empty—minus the lifeless body laying against the bed in a vegetative state—but a human in a coma clearly didn't count.

"I'm actually busy—"

"What are you doing here?" Jaemin asked, shutting the door closed behind him as he looked at her with eyes full of shock. He had almost swore this morning that he would never see her again, he swore to forget her existence entirely.

But then he noticed her silence, one that seemed suffocatingly thick. And then he noticed the incredibly guilty expression on her face as she trembled infront of him slightly. And then his eyes finally landed on her name tag, pinned onto a blouse that was a lighter shade of blue compared to his, telling him everything he needed for know.

"Do you want to explain to me why your name tag says resident on it?" Jaemin asked, feeling his blood boil in his veins as his jaw clenched, her once innocent looking face now only pissing him off further

"Jaemin..." she trailed off with a shaky tone

"You lied to me." He said with a low voice, eyes burning into hers with a different sort of flame she wished she had never seen

"I-I didn't think I—"

"You had so many chances to tell me, so many chances to come clean but you still lied—God even last night" Jaemin scoffed, shaking his head as his to guess swiped the inside of his cheek

"Jaemin...I'm so sorry" she said through a shaky whisper, but he had no patience to hear any more of it

"That's sir to you. Do you understand?" He asked with stern expression, his posture straightening up

"Jaemin just let me—"

"Answer me." He said darkly, not giving her a chance to explain or apologise again. He was sick of hearing her lies. She nodded slowly, hands shaking by her sides

"Use your words." He said through his clenched teeth as she swallowed the lump forming in her throat at the sentence that once used to arouse her which now only made her shudder at his coldness

"Yes sir." She answered, lowering her head to bow to him out of the respect she had owed him long before even now. He scoffed again, shaking his head at how baffling her actions were to him before he reached for the door handle, letting himself out of the room and leaving her alone.

She sighed, relaxing her tense shoulders as she reached for the door handle. She walked out into the hall again, regaining her composure as much as she could before she looked down at her files, locating the patient along the east wing of the hospital

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a small voice, looking at Mark reading the patient file inside the room.

"Oh Aeri asked me to switch with her because she wanted to be with her girlfriend—and I'm too scared of her to say no—"

"Mark there's something I need to tell you" Areum said quickly going up to him

"That this guy's tumour is huge—look at this thing! That's gonna take at least—" Mark's statement of exclamation got cut off half way as the door swung open, revealing a pretty pissed off doctor. Mark tensed up from beside her, freezing in his place as he laid eyes on Jaemin.

"Na Jaemin?!" Mark exclaimed, pointing at him and then pointing at Areum, and continuing to do that for another 20 seconds while Jaemin got more ticked off than before.

"Brief me on the patient, Dr. Lee" Jaemin stated with a sigh, standing by the door to not interact with them any further than he had to

"Uh...I—Song Junhan, 32 year old male. Came in two days ago with a heavy migraine—"

"Right, the brain tumour guy. Did we give him anything for pain?" Jaemin asked, dismissing him slightly

"Oxymorphone at 20 milligrams" Mark answered with a lowered voice, anxious to make any mistakes knowing his job might just be at stake as well

"Wean him off any medication 6 hours before the surgery, reduce it to 10 milligrams if he still needs pain relief. Book him an OR for him tonight" Jaemin said, looking at Mark only and with a firm nod

"Yes sir" Mark said quickly, looking towards Areum as Jaemin turned around and reached for the door handle

"What do I do?" She piped up with a squeaky voice, causing Jaemin to freeze in his spot for a few seconds before turning around to her

"What?" He asked with an expressionless face

"W-what do you want me to do?" She stuttered

"Write me a 10 page essay on medical ethics." He spat, jaw tense as he shot daggers into her before leaving again. Areum stood there with guilt and anxiety filling up her veins as Mark slowly turned towards her

"As if this couldn't get any worse" he scoffed shaking his head at her

"All this just for a CV...fucking God" he said, sighing at the horrible idea he warned her about from the beginning. And he was right.

One sheet of paper might just ruin her whole life.

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